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25+ Funny Typos That Are the a Pitta Me of Comedy

Bone apple tea
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twitter, funny tweets, cringe, typo, misspelling, fail, facepalm, reddit, bone apple tea, facebook, lol, memes, spelling fails, funny, funny fails, mistakes, funny memes, text messages, autocorrect, malapropism | send newts no like sexy pic lizard photos | PLEASE WEAR MASK AND USE HAND FERTILIZER! THANK !

30 Typos That Created Hilarious New Meanings

Bone Apple Tea
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misspelling, typo, bone apple tea, funny typos, wrong spelling, facebook, twitter, stupid people, social media, cringe, memes, funny, funny screenshots, language, embarrassing, malapropism

25 Misspellings & Malapropisms That Led to Accidental Comedy

Bone Apple Tea
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Funny spelling fails, social media fails, writing | Why y'all acting like world just now gettin messed up about slavery hall cost? Pick up book

24 Valiant Attempts That Really Missed The Mark

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