

vampires, vampire, buffy the vampire slayer, vampire memes, blood, bloodnguts, bloody, halloween, halloween memes, monster, fantasy, dark souls, dark humor, goth, goth memes, memes, funny memes, what we do in the shadows

25+ Vampire Memes for Avoiding the Summer Sun Like the Plague

I want to meme your blood
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cringey social media posts, sex, menstruation, sex education, cringe, cringeworthy | so inspiring Why do girls keep having periods they hate them? Just stop having them, do makes happy | Julia Carpenter @juliaccarpenter This is happens let men write books partiar denture unat ne aiscreetly wrapped Kleenex and micked inpocket his suit coat he thougn ous wasn't watching. But she bathroom door didn't altogether close, due old frame house settling over centuries, and she had sit on toilet some

Dumb & Cringey People Who Need To Take Sex Ed

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Twitter reacts to allegations of Armie Hammer's cannibalistic sexting, direct messages, twitter reactions, funny tweets | Me: I wonder how tumblr is reacting to the armie hammer stuff? Tumblr: cannibal armie hammer mood board by yours truly | rae @rachellobaugh no one: armie hammer: I am going to create a horny dm that is so cannibalistic

Armie Hammer's Kinky Cannibalistic DMs Are Freaking Twitter Out

Whoa there, Armie
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Funny meme about how some students will donate plasma in order to pay for their education | Need books? No worries. Donate Plasma. Earn $250 in your first 5 donations. Me: I cannot afford tuition United States: Then pay with your blood!
Via FunnyOrDieGuy
Funny memes about being anemic

Thirteen Anemic Memes For The Chronically Dizzy

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A Work Of Art

Stock photo of a doctor telling a patient that he has to draw blood, above the same stock photo of him saying "thanks for waiting" and holding a drawing of a drop of blood
Via duffieldious01

It's The *Only* Thing To Do

Pic of a guy lying on the ground next to a broken bottle of red wine with caption that reads, "This is what you must do if you accidentally drop a bottle of red wine"
Via UrBoiNoNo
women reveal their period confessions on whisper

17 Period Confessions From Women Dealing With A Crime Scene In Their Pants

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Funny period memes.

35 Bloody-Good Period Memes For When Aunt Flo Is In Town

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Pun of the Day

Funny meme about doctor drawing blood, pun.
Via lei.ying.lo


Hugging robot is developed, but kills humans when it hugs them too hard.

Yes, I'm a Real Doctor, Why do You Ask?

image blood puns Yes, I'm a Real Doctor, Why do You Ask?
Via gokkku


Blood doctors funny web comics - 8816069632
Via AlexHoffman
Photoshop battle of a bloody nosed marathon runner that is the inner athlete in all of us

A Guy Ran a Marathon With a Bloody Nose and Won This Amazing Photoshop Battle

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And Where Does the Donated Blood Go To?

image blood charity And Where Does the Donated Blood Go To?
Via isaacmarionsbigwords
Blood Video Game Coverage Gears of War video games - 79657217

Gears of War 4 Multiplayer Trailer Touts a Gruesomely Savage, Blood-Drenched Montage of New Executions and Weapons

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