
best of week

That's Why My KDR is Below One

best of week call of duty keep calm kill death ratio meme - 6488974080

I've Been Waiting for You

best of week wtf - 6491900928

Where Batman Gets His Moves

batman best of week From the Movies Movie the dark knight rises - 6482647808
Created by mastertroller007

Comixed: Ah, Ha, Ha, Ha, Keepin' You Alive

best of week cpr Memes Music - 6461238016
Created by RogueAchievement
best of week London math nerds olympics sports Video - 40500225

Olympics for Math Nerds

View Video

Kinda Nice of Them To Let Us Know Beforehand, Though

best of week illuminati Memes never forget olympics - 6491480064

Would You Kindly Play Bioshock?

amazing best of week bioshock growing up parents the internets would you kindly - 6488806400
Via dmpaskiet

If You Don't Have an Answer for All of Them, You Are No True Geek

best of week geek quiz Text Stuffs uh oh - 6435422976
Created by Forblaze

Video Games: Imagine the Loot!

best of week curiosity nasa the internets video games world of warcraft WoW - 6488593664
Created by lucasdnd ( Via Noobwowplayer )

What Referee Signals Actually Mean

best of week olympics sports - 6488251904
Via Pleated Jeans

Am I a Tryhard for Playing This?

annoying best of week bingo noobs online gaming the internets xbox live - 6485823232
Created by MrBlonde92

Why Don't We Just Hold the Olympics on Mars?

best of week cost Mars Pie Chart - 6488633088
Via Luminous Enchiladas


best of week expansion ketchup Memes - 6488753664

Mary Poppins of the Fruit World

best of week fruit gifs pineapple umbrella wtf - 6488622080


best of week bunny dracula wtf - 6465861120
Created by thesignpainter

Who Lives in a Teenager Inside of Her Pants?

best of week ladytimes Memes SpongeBob SquarePants tampons wtf - 6480948480
Created by Unknown