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Woman sublets her room but insists on sleeping on shared couch 2x per week, doesn't run it by roommate: 'What does the landlord think of all this?'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama restaurant splitting the bill money money problems

22-year-old man orders $85 lobster at dinner with friends, insist they split the bill evenly despite their entrees costing $20: 'This isn't his first time mooching'

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'No woman with sense would want you': Mom calls out her husband's best friend after he joked about possibly being the father of their 2-year-old son, husband tells her she went too far

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'YOUR KIDS WILL NEVER EVER EVER FORGIVE YOU EVER': Shakespeare-obsessed pregnant woman wants to name her twins Romeo and Juliet, much to the horror of her husband and best friend

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama peer pressure car ride boyfriend

22-year-old girl forces friend to sit on guy friend's lap for 1.5 hour drive, gets mad when she Ubers home: 'Sarah tried to argue, but my ride showed up, so I left'

‘That escalated quickly with no provocation. This broad is delusional, and the hostility is crazy’: Entitled “friends” borrow possessions but never return them, instead attempt to sell them, and respond with insults and fabricated excuses when questioned

‘That escalated quickly with no provocation. This broad is delusional, and the hostility is crazy’: Entitled “friends” borrow possessions but never return them, instead attempt to sell them, and respond with insults and fabricated excuses when questioned

‘I’m happy to say I finally see him as a true best friend… and nothing more’: Girlfriend breaks up with longtime boyfriend by publicly friend-zonning him at her birthday dinner he planned

‘I’m happy to say I finally see him as a true best friend… and nothing more’: Girlfriend breaks up with longtime boyfriend by publicly friend-zoning him at her birthday dinner he planned

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The Funniest Memes to Share with Your Best Friends After a Wild Night Out

‘Lisa got jealous as she felt that a trip, taking photos of herself there for Instagram would help “launch” her modelling career’: Entitled “influencer” sibling forces her way onto sister’s work trip despite zero qualifications or connection

‘Lisa got jealous as she felt that a trip, taking photos of herself there for Instagram would help “launch” her modelling career’: Entitled “influencer” sibling forces her way onto sister’s work trip despite zero qualifications or connection

Man’s cheating ex and ex-friend demand he come to their wedding to fix their bad luck, claiming his refusal to forgive them is ruining their future

Man’s cheating ex and ex-friend demand he come to their wedding to fix their "bad karma," claiming his refusal to forgive them is ruining their future

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Daughter demands inheritance after mom leaves everything to neighbor instead: 'I never expected me to be the only person who Valorie left in her will'

Friend backs out of an annual girls’ trip the day before, refuses to pay her share, leaving her friends to cover the costs: ‘We have done this for the past 10 or so years, she should have offered to pay’

Friend backs out of an annual girls’ trip the day before, refuses to pay her share, leaving her friends to cover the costs: ‘We have done this for the past 10 or so years, she should have offered to pay’

Teen annoys older guy with the same name on Twitter, wholesome turn of events has them becoming pen pals: '[He] found our wedding registry and gave us $10!'

Teen annoys older guy with the same name on Twitter, wholesome turn of events has them becoming pen pals: '[He] found our wedding registry and gave us $10!'

Friend demands room swap at hotel over “bad vibes,” in hers, throws tantrum when told to handle her spiritual crisis alone: ‘She said mine "felt lighter." I said no, I didn’t want to deal with moving just because of her imaginary haunted room theory’

Friend demands room swap at hotel over “bad vibes,” in hers, throws tantrum when told to handle her spiritual crisis alone: ‘She said mine "felt lighter." I said no, I didn’t want to deal with moving just because of her imaginary haunted room theory’

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24 Memes for Best Friends Who Share the Same Delusions

 money problems Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime shoes platform shoes shoes off barefoot theatre Tags

Theatergoer kicks off shoes while seated at a play, friend calls them out, sparking a months-long argument: 'There's a dress code to live up to'

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