
bernie sanders

Super Saiyan Sanders

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795474688
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Bernie to return to former job

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795331328
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Instead of Wall, Trump Builds "Impeachment Time Machine"

donald trump bernie sanders Democrat republican - 8794781440
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Welcome to the 1% Bernie!

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8795008512
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Damn millenials

bernie sanders Democrat bill clinton - 8795314432
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Bernie Sandals

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795332864
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Saw this Bern Buggy on the road this morning

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795008768
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Don't Make Me Harpoon Your Lying Ass!

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8795333120
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Feel the Burn?

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795393024
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Bernie "Game of Unknowns"

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8794793472
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Just Say "No" to a Clown Party

bernie sanders Democrat - 8794782720
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Where can I buy?

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8794781952
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donald trump bernie sanders Democrat republican - 8794788096
Via Imgur
bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Bad Lip Reading Video politics - 79631617

You'll Never Look at The Democratic Presidential Candidates the Same After this Hilarious Bad Lip Reading

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Bernie in The Wasteland

bethesda fallout fallout 4 bernie sanders video games political pictures politics - 8763289856
Created by SalmonDiMartino

Put a Bird On It!

birds bernie sanders politics - 8762409472
Created by Quasimultricate