
ben affleck

ben affleck, actor, coffee, starbucks, dunkin, paparazzi, miserable, twitter, twitter reactions, funny, funny photo

Miserable Ben Affleck Paparazzi Photo Gets Uncovered From the Archives, Twitter Reacts

Where's the Dunkin!?
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Twitter and TikTok users share horror stories about Jennifer Lopez

Viral Tweets Expose Jennifer Lopez As The Rudest Celebrity of All Time

Tabloids will say anything about a celebrity to sell a magazine to women waiting in line at the grocery store. They're not the most reliable sources regarding which star is rude and nasty. Luckily, we're not in the mid-aughts anymore, and social media has provided a platform for real people to expose rude celebrities for the menaces they are. If it wasn't for social media, we might still be in the dark about how mean Ellen was to her employees. When TikTok and Twitter users were asked about the…
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funny, funny twitter, ben affleck, jlo, jennifer lopez, boredom, bored, suffering, celebrities, funny, funny twitter, grammys, grammy awards

'Looks like he'd rather be at Dunkin'': Best Tweets About Ben Affleck Looking Bored At the Grammys

He's the people's princess
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Funny random memes, dank memes, humor, lol, animals, cute, dogs, adorable dogs, cute cats, relatable memes

Tasty Memes and Cute Things for When the Hunger Strikes

Mmm mmm good
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ben affleck, jennifer lopez. bennifer, celebrity, celebrity meme, twitter, funny, paparazzi, smoking, dunkin donuts

The Miserable, Memeable Magic Of Ben Affleck

A collection of memes using the internet everyman.
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That'd Be Nice

Funny meme that reads, "Wanna be rich enough so I can hold my laptop like this" above a photo of Ben Affleck holding his laptop in a strange way
Funny and dismal memes about work, life, dating, relationships, ben affleck, halloween, jobs, sex.

30 Moderately Dismal Memes That Reflect Our Bleak Realities

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Why Won't You Love Me?

Funny meme about when you try to get a dog's attention and it ignores you, photos of Ben Affleck looking sad.
Via scouse_ma

Living on the Edge

When the game says you need to press Start but you press X instead and it still works, funny meme about needing to break the rules.
Via Gaming Memes

The Origins of Batman v Aquaman

Via brodybear18
ben affleck Video - 80833025

Ben Affleck's Thoughts on Armageddon

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Nailed It

sad ben affleck caption bot Nailed It
Via zenith66
Sad ben affleck Batman v Superman - 79051777

Sad Ben Affleck Reacts to Batman v Superman's Bad Reviews

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Ben Affleck Might Not Think That's Very Punny

batman ben affleck puns Ben Affleck Might Not Think That's Very Punny
Via jayunplugged

I Think We All Know Who Should Have Played Batman Instead of Ben Affleck...

batfleck bill murray ben affleck batman - 8193155328
Via Spawnacus

Better Than Affleck

ben affleck batman Zoidberg funny - 7760400640
Created by TylarM2012
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