

olives, grapefruit, cheese, blue cheese, sweet tea, olive, cursed food, potato, beets, celery, peas, potato salad, soup, gross food, food, ketchup, baked beans, tonic water

People Discuss Their Least Favorite Foods That Most People Like

Nobody can like every food. Even if you pride yourself on not being picky, you probably have at least one food, even a popular food, that you don't like. For me, it's French Onion Soup. As someone who likes onions, soup, and cheesy bread, you'd think I'd enjoy this meal, but I don't. I don't like that there's a bunch of bread in my soup, and I don't like that I have to break through it to get to the soup part. I'm so sorry French people , but I must speak my truth. This stuff is nasty, and I'm…
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Beets by Dr. Dre

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Drop the Beet

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Created by Jrsbbusa3000 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )


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Via Puns Facebook Page

Beets By Dre

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Via For Orchestra

Cooking with Grillex

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Created by Travis

Got Some Raw Beetz For Ya

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Created by kaylawardle

Dope Beets

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Via Monday Punday

They're the Best of the Borscht

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If You Know What I Mean...

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You Guys Like Hip-Hop?

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