

shower, shower thoughts, showers, showering, bathroom, bath, bath time, consumerism, hyper consumerism, tiktok, viral tiktok, wasteful, environmentalism, twitter, twitter reactions, funny twitter

Wasteful woman's 3-hour shower, hundreds of unnecessary bath products spark controversy online: 'This is worse than that cupboard full of Stanley cups'

Gonna come out looking like a raisin
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christmas, cleaning, twitter, clean, Twitter Thread, christmas tree, ultraclean, twitter reactions, bath, tweets, funny tweets, tree, tweet, twitter discourse, cleaner

Clean Freak Washes Her Plastic Christmas Tree in the Bathtub, Sparks Debate About Performative Hygiene

How clean is too clean?
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bathroom, toilet, shower, bath, washing, pooping, peeing, washroom, memes, funny, funny memes, relatable memes

A Shower of Bathroom Memes for Squeaky Clean Squatty Potty Users

Splish splash
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twitter, Twitter Thread, baths, shower, twitter reactions, bath, soap, lotion, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, black twitter, showers, twitter discourse

Woman Accidentally Uses Body Wash As Lotion For 15 Years Despite 'Bath' Being On The Bottle

"Caring Bath" must be a body lotion
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Gross parents talk on their podcast about how they don't bathe their children regularly

Disgusting Parents Brag About Not Bathing Their Kids

If you've ever been around children , you know that every kid is somehow exceptionally filthy. They run around all day, eat with their hands, roll in the dirt, and stick their fingers in their mouth. Basically everything about children leads you to believe that they are the grossest demographic around. Young kids are at that tender age where they need the adults in their lives to instruct them on how to not be the most disgusting filthy pigs in the world. Unfortunately, some parents are too inc…
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Yup, It's Definitely The Plot

Funny meme that reads, "Girls: I watch The Witcher for the plot; the plot: ..." above four stills from the show of Henry Cavil as Geralt in the bathtub
Via LeoSenior

It's A Hard World Out There, Kid

Fake news headline that reads, "Johnson & Johnson introduces 'Nothing but Tears' shampoo to toughen up newborns
Via SmileLikeAKat

Solid Plan

pizza bath Memes - 9087754752
Via masipopal

Be There in Ten

image plans bath Be There in Ten
Via bitchycode

Torpedoes Aren't Fun For Anyone

web comics war bath Torpedoes Aren't Fun For Anyone
Via doodleforfood


wtf gifs bath ghosts plunger - 6817708800
Created by meganeguard ( Via Destroyed Minds )

Shia Lebeouf Can Help You In Any Situation

hot bath - 8573181440


rage bath burn - 8564707840

It's a Land of Terribleness

bath funny internet scary - 8264024320

"Why does it have to be so wet?"

cat wet bath cute funny - 8545335040
Created by anselmbe

Trying To Find The Comfortable Spot

spinning dogs gifs water bath - 8541102336
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