

yellow, food memes, banana, fruits veggies, bananas, funny memes, cursed food, fruits, meme, hilarious memes, funny food photos, food, fruit, funny meme

25 Banana Memes For Nymphia Wind Stans

Team Banana
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fruit, fruits veggies, fruits, fruit ninja, banana, blueberry, kiwi, strawberry, pear, mango, food, food memes, fruit memes, healthy food, funny memes, funny, silly, silly memes

25 Fruit Memes for Blueberry Believers and Strawberry Supporters

Fruit makes you cute
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calming, twitter, kids, crazy things parents say, banana, bananas, teachers, teacher, parenting, tweets, funny tweets, funny twitter, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

'We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas': Kid punches teacher and breaks his glasses, Parents suggest 'calming banana' as the solution

What is a "calming banana"
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banana bananas banana-memes gwen-stefani fruit fruit-memes memes meme random silly funny comedy lol dumb-memes

A Whole Bunch of Banana Memes to Drive You Totally Bananas

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, banana memes!
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'As you wish Mr. Principal': Principal Shuts Down Student’s Booth Due to ‘High Profits’, Leading To Student’s Clever Compliance With School Policy

'As you wish Mr. Principal': Principal Shuts Down Student’s Booth Due to ‘High Profits’, Leading To Student’s Clever Compliance With School Policy

It really is a gift to be petty. There is no match for the genuine, honest, and organic expertise of a petty individual. You are either gifted from birth or you are not. The story that follows fully supports my claim. OP recounts an incident that happened not too long ago when she was still an impressionable adolescent trying to figure out who she was in the world. She recalls the moment her school decided to organize and build a bazaar. Each class took responsibility for a distinct booth. So,…
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Explain Like I'm 35: Who Is The Banana Cat? (April 23, 2023)

Welcome to the new frontier of cat memes.
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bananas, banana, memes, funny, funny memes, food, food memes, fruit, fruits, weird memes

A Bunch of Banana Memes That Are Extremely Appealing

Ripe and ready
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This Year Summed Up In Memes

Funny meme summing up memes in 2019, including Baby Yoda, Keanu Reeves, a banana taped to a wall, and a can of White Claw with a slight hint of Jesus
Via fillingupmycup

Can't Argue With God

Funny meme about texting with god about banana.
Via Italy_Mann
Funny and gross food memes.

29 Food Memes That Might Eliminate Your Appetite

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Funny meme about calling the police on someone who put bananas on pizza.
Via Crippling Things


Funny meme about how Michael Cera always looks like he's watching you eat a banana from across the room.
Via memezar

Such an Appetizing Name

Funny meme using photo of bananas in which they are incorrectly referred to as "long yellow things."
Via memezar

That's bananas.

banana - 9004861440
Via also-starring

Um, Guys, Is the Internet OK?

wtf banana Cats image - 8997604096
Via memewhore

I Wish I Was This Cool

wtf banana hat image - 8994212608
Via ruinedchildhood
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