
bad people

ask reddit, bad, manipulative, people, excuses, judgement, askreddit, reddit story, bad people, mean, entitled, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, rude, entitled people, Mean People

People Share Big Indicators That Someone is a Bad Person

Red flags everywhere
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napoleon, napoleon bonaparte, history, historian, twitter, canceled, cancelation, funny, funny twitter, roasted

'Napoleon Bonaparte was a TERRIBLE PERSON': Historian's Retrospective Cancellation of French General Gets Roasted by Twitter

Didn't know he was so problematic :/
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antiwork, jobs, job, bad jobs, work, rude people, workplace, rude, bad people, fashion, politics, Reddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit thread

People Deliberate The Jobs That Attract The Rudest People

Before entering an industry, it's good to know whether the people in it are completely rotten . This is easy to gauge when you're only applying to jobs on a small scale. I knew I did not want to work at the Smoothie King in my hometown when I was in high school because all the kids who worked there were absolute menaces. That was easy to avoid. However, if I dedicated my schooling life to becoming a fierce mortuary professional and subsequently found out that everyone in the death industry was…
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Bad parents, texts ffrom mean and strict parents, wtf

Bad People Competing For the Worst Parent Awards

When I was about eleven I decided that I was going to focus on making friends instead of my schoolwork. Since Pre-K my mother had me attend certain classes in the higher grade because I was “gifted,” which didn't do me any favors socially. Being so separated from my peers was incredibly alienating as an already-awkward kid. Eventually, my parents had me switch schools after third grade to experience some sort of social normalcy. Unfortunately, I was bullied immediately as a newcomer. I just did…
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friendship, friends, drama, toxic, bad people, wtf, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, friends, evil

People Share the Most Messed Up Thing They Ever Witnessed a Friend Do

When friends reveal their true nature
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yikes, ask reddit, work stories, funny stories, funny story, enemies, askreddit, reddit story, bad people, true story, stupid people, workplace, story, reddit thread, stories, Reddit, rude

People Discuss Times They Hated Someone From The Moment They Met Them

First impressions can be a tricky thing. I have gotten poor first impressions from some of the best people in my life, and I thank heavens every day that I did not wholly dismiss them after one questionable meeting . At the same time, there have been several times when I have gotten a bad vibe from someone after first meeting them and gave them a chance, only to find out later that they were a pretty rotten person. Most of the time, first meetings won't give you the complete picture of your fut…
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WTF, marriage, bad marriage, AITA, reddit, family, racist family, husband and wife, fighting

Revenge-Seeking Wife Crashes Husband's Family Dinner In Response to Constant Exclusion

How do you define family? Our go-to definition would be Dominic Toretto's favorite word. But obviously, it's actually a bit deeper than that. While some people (especially my boomer parents) think family is your blood - the group you're born into and descend from. But the reality is a bit different. I consider my neighbors to be family. We spend quality time together at least one night a week, play games and share meals. While family can be people you choose, that's often just a bonus in additi…
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Cringey gatekeeping, gatekeepers, cringe, bad people, tweets, twitter, misogyny

Obnoxious Gatekeepers Who Should Just Let People Live

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Bad people from the r/iamatotalpieceofshit subreddit, funny, yikes, fail, cringe | Dear Waitress sorry, but won't be looking eye today, because then have endure nose piercing, and piercings on ears, and those giant hoops make look like central Africa circa 500 AD think look disgusting, and don't want see tattoos either. Why don't quit marking yourself up and piercing yourself as if have low self- esteem while trying disguise as some sort style is lowest class style can go my book. Just bring my

Bad People Who Could Use a Double Dose Of Karma

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Shameful cringey moments of gatekeeping, tweets, twitter, yikes, rude, gaming, masculinity | THIS is FAMILY THIS is NOT FAMILY homophobic t shirts | Sitting front craft beer couple at Twins game and they keep going NOT BEER poor vendors selling Bud Light. Imagine being so uninteresting think this counts as personality

Cringey Moments of Ridiculous Gatekeeping

Get off that high horse, y'all.
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Cringe and crazy posts, karens, moms, mommy facebook group, parenting

Cringe & Crazy Posts From the Dumbest Corners of Mommy Facebook Groups

As a non-parent by choice, I swear that I have absolutely nothing against children. While some childless folk decry the practice of having and raising kids, I believe that we should all just focus on ourselves and do what makes us happy. The only part of child-rearing that offends me is the absolute insanity that some mothers display in their Facebook groups and forums . They are filled to the brim with unhinged anti-vax sentiments, bogus claims about the healing powers of essential oils and br…
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Pet owners share what they would do if a person was rude to their cat, dog, or pet, tweets, twitter thread

Pet Owners Discuss How to Deal With People Who Are Rude to Their Animal Friends

How DARE they
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wtf, cringe, stupid people, iamatotalpieceofshit, reddit, videos, jerk, rude, fail, terrible people, bad people

Total Jerks Who Should Be Ashamed of Themselves

Humanity is doomed
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Cringey times people tried to look cool on the internet, bad people, tacky people, attention-seekers

Cringey Attention-Seekers Who Were Desperate For Clout

For shame.
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Funny and sassy times that restaurant owners responded to reviews.

15+ Sassy Times Owners Responded to Restaurant Reviews

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Bad people, terrible people, shitty people, animal abuse, wtf | Anonymous asked Politics Government Law Ethics 1 decade ago Can make male baby sitter pay child support single mom going college with my sister currently rent an apartment together couple weeks ago asked my neighbor trustworthy guy, if he could watch kids two hours while went class and my sister wasn't home, and he agreed. If he babysits and doesn't accept pay, can sue him child support because he took on fatherly

15+ Bad People Who Deserve to Be Shamed

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