
back to school

school, student, elementary school, teach, students, teaching, middle school, teachers, awesome teacher, teacher, back to school, high school, immature high schoolers, things kids say, kids these days

Teachers Share The Funniest Ways Their Students Have Roasted Them

Thanks, sweetie
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Teacher, teachers, teaching, teach, awesome teacher, school, High school, middle school, elementary school, back to school, school memes, work memes, relatable work memes, kids these days

30 Teacher Memes for Educators Enjoying Summer Break But Dreading the First Day of School

I don't want to alarm any educators who are here for some escapist memes about their profession. If you don't wish to discuss the brisk nature of the summer holiday , you can scroll right past this. For those of you who are similarly freaking out about how quickly the summer is going by, hello. I am so sorry that you have to return to the hellscape that is school in a few short weeks. Some people don't think teachers deserve to have their summers off, but I think teachers deserve even more time…
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relatable college college-memes student-memes studying study studious student college-life relatable-memes memes funny ramen graduates grad class teacher teachers test

Relatable Memes for College Graduates Feeling Nostalgic About Their 'Instant Ramen' Years

Wait, we have a test today?
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A compilation of hilarious random and mid memes

Mid Memes For Solid 5s

Not everyone can be a 10. However, most people aren't a two either. This reality has caused the bell curve of the population to be labeled a most upsetting term: "mid." Getting called “mid” by a middle school boy in your TikTok comments is rough. It feels like someone is calling you ugly, even though that's technically not what they're saying. Not only are there thousands of mid-people in the world, but there are also thousands of mid-memes. Do you ever see some memes that are just, fine? They'…
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A compilation of funny memes about teachers and teaching

Teaching Memes For Teachers Struggling to go Back to Work

Back to school! Again!
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A compilation of memes about teachers teaching and students

Teacher Memes For Burnt Out Educators

Teachers are some of the most harshly criticized groups of professionals out there. Everyone has their own idea about how teachers should do their job, but so few of them could do even half of what teachers do every day. So many parents expect teachers to be able to fix everything that's wrong with their bad kids and try to place the blame anywhere but on themselves. All of this criticism can get exhausting. At most jobs, employees only have a couple of supervisors, but teachers have administra…
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A compilation of memes about teachers and teaching

Teacher Memes To Enjoy Over Thanksgiving Break

Teachers deserve so much more respect than they get, and I am partly to blame for this. When I was in high school , I wasn't blatantly rude to my teachers, but I did not give the educators in my life the respect they probably deserved. For instance, I called every single one of my teachers Senior year by their first names, either behind their backs or to their faces, depending on how close we were. Out of Barb, Cathy, John, Paul, Linda, and Kelly, I could only call Barb by her first name to her…
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A compilation of memes about teachers, teaching, school and students

Teacher Memes For Educational Professionals

Well… back to school season is officially over. The novelty of new classes and the burgeoning fall semester has more than wore off, and teachers and students are finally back at the old grind. If you are a teacher, you've probably got an idea of how the rest of the school year is going to go down. Or do you? You might think you've got a pretty solid read on your new classes, but who knows! There's a lot of days in between now and June. This school year hold so many possibilities. But then again…
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A compilation of memes about graduate school

Grad School Memes For Future PhD Recipients

Grad school is one of the craziest things you can willingly subject yourself to. You have to work 16 hours a day on one very specific subject, teach 3 courses, and live off of a $15,000 stipend. Sounds simple enough, right? Grad school is largely different for everyone, but there are certainly different types of postgraduate academics. There are the people who are in it for the long haul, and for the love of the game, aspiring to be academics in school forever. There are those who go into grad…
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30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

We're not equipped
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25 Bad Mom Memes For Parents Who Can't Wait For Their Kid's to Go Back to School

25 Bad Mom Memes For Parents Who Can't Wait For Their Kid's to Go Back to School

Mommy just needs minute to herself right now.
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funny kids, first day of school, back to school, kids, children, child, classic kids, school, teacher, elementary, middle school, bus, jordans, style, family, parenting, parents, classic, hilarious, lol

Grown Man Expertly Imitates All of the Classic First-Day-of-School Poses, Children Everywhere Are Jealous

Why do they have to smile so hard?
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Funniest Back to School Memes for Teachers Mentally Preparing for the New School Year

And physically preparing, tbh...
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A Twitter thread of people discussion which colors they associate with which subject in school

People Debate Which Color Folder Correlates To Which Subjects in School

When you're in high school, you have very little freedom. One of the few choices you can make for yourself is which trapper keeper you get from Staples. This is a critical decision, as that multiuse binder won't break for at least three years, so you better make the right choice. The question of “which binder color should I choose for which subject” was never one that phased me. I simply picked the binders with the prettiest colors and chose which subjects they were for based on ambiguous vibes…
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Memes about college and university for the back to school season

College Memes For Back To School Season

Bright college days , oh, carefree days that fly! It's almost time for first-year students to move into their dorms, syllabus week to commence, and the binge drinking to begin. College is such a unique time in your life. For many students, it's the first time they'll be away from their family and maintain a semblance of independence. You are forced to learn how to take care of yourself and not make crazy choices all the time. I learned over the course of my freshman year that I couldn't eat thr…
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summer, summer vacation, back to school, school, high school, teacher, teaching, teacher life, biology, lessons, end of summer, dread, funny, funny videos, work, back to work

High School Teacher Dreads Going Back to School After Summer Vacation and Makes Funny Videos Instead of Preparing Lessons

Procrastination 101
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