
avocado toast

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27 Guacamole Memes That Know They Are Extra and Act Like It

Scoop me up some
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An Expensive Brunch of Avocado Toast Memes for the Wealthy

An Expensive Brunch of Avocado Toast Memes for the Wealthy

Because having avocado toast at brunch and owning a home is basically the same thing.
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millennials, millennial memes, reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, funny comments, baby boomers, gen x, avocado toast, economy, jobs

Frustrated Millennials Discuss The Most Annoying Stereotypes About Their Generation

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food, avocado toast, millennials, london, city, expensive, reddit, money, debate

Measly $11 Avocado Toast Unites Redditors In Horror

Cue the property buying jokes
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Quit Buying So Much Avocado Toast

Funny tweet that reads, "Millennials are so SPOILED and ENTITLED; Millennials: is it rude if I ask my employer to pay me"
Via obtuserubbermoose
Funny memes about Millennials and National Avocado Day

14 Millennial Memes In Honor Of National Avocado Day

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Are Millennials Killing Avocado Toast?

Epicurious tweet that reads, "Move over avocado. We're spreading peas on everything;" someone replies below, "No the f*ck we're not"
Via Angryolive
millennials roasting gen y

'Millennial Commandments' Are Relentlessly Roasting The Biggest Stereotypes Of Generation Y

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funny lazy millennials

14 Witty Millennial Tweets That Exude Sheer Laziness

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memes about millenials

18 Millennial Memes And Pics That'll Make You Crave Some Avocado Toast

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Pic of an empty wallet with a cigarette sticking out with the caption, "Money? I haven't heard that name in years"
Via ArnoldSchwarzeNword
Sad millennials poor people problems millennial problems comics sad but true poor people comics about life avocado toast web comics - 5710341

This Comic Perfectly Sums Up What's It Like Being Poor

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millennials roasting baby boomers

Millennials Are Roasting Baby Boomers To A Crisp For Their Ridiculous Purchases

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