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Everything is Permitted

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Assassin's Deed

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Your Move, Mom...

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The Deadliest of Jazz Hands

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Why Not Both?

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Now That's Dangerous

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Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Problems

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Via SimonInYourGarfunkel
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The Interrupting Cow

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Good Guy Templars

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Chess Can Bring The Rage Out

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Created by austinb963
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What If Other Game Characters Had Access to Mario's Mushrooms?

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What if Assassin's Creed Was a Disney Cartoon?

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Created by Mistermascara ( Via jesskat )

Assassin's Creed Logic

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Via couchpotato124

Ezio Tries Out a New Profession

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People Need to Stop Talking Crap About Girl Gamers

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Yeah...I Need Friends

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Created by CheezeyPoofs