
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

AskReddit stories from doctors, medical stories, gross medical stories, parasites, worms, blood, lungs, gross, disgusting.

17 Doctors Share The Most WTF Medical Situations They've Seen

people being stupid

14 Things That Scream 'I'm Very Stupid' To Absolutely Everyone

scary stories

17 People Share The Most Inexplicably Creepy Things They've Ever Experienced

going to war against your neighbors

15 Times People Went To War With Their Devil Neighbors

weird quirks

17 Bizarre Little Habits People Have That'll Make You Feel Better About Yourself

funny memes

30+ Hysterical Memes And Pics To Satisfy Your Needs

things men hate

18 Surprising Things Women Do To Impress Men That Men Actually Hate

struggles of having a penis

16 Dudes Share The Hilarious And Brutal Struggles Of Having A Penis

urban legends that are true

16 Creepy Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be Completely True

lame sob stories online

17 People Share The Tired Sob Stories They Don't Fall For Anymore

cringey social media

13 People Share The Cringiest Sh*t They've Seen On Social Media

crazy bible verses | iff_true 2h "He whose testicles are crushed or whose male member is cut off shall not enter assembly Lord Dueteronomy 23:1

18 Insane Bible Verses That Are Totally F*cked Up

askreddit scam Reddit company business - 5383941

People Revealed The Businesses They'll Never Give Their Money To Again

things that seem illegal but are okay

14 Legal Things That Everyone Thinks Are Illegal

kids askreddit Reddit morbid funny - 9148165376

Well That Got Dark

cringey guys, dating

Women Reveal The Most Cringe-worthy Things Guys Have Done To Impress Them