

Oh Hey There

Funny classical art meme showing a man playing an instrument talking to a woman, saying, "Damn girl, are you a religious scripture? Because I want to constantly misinterpret you for my own benefit"
Via TransDimensionalCouncilOfRicks
Funny classical art memes | remember anything before 2020 painting of an old king holding a golden goblet | been solitary confinement so long even birds start looking sexy af: woman looking out of a building at a man with a bird's head

Classical Art Memes For People Who Like To Feel Cultured

Memes of the most cultured variety.
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Funny memes about George and Martha Washington classic paintings | roses are red violets are children dammit martha | she's adopting more behind my back isn't she martha stop

George Washington Memes That Depict The First President As An Absent Father

"It is better to be alone than in bad company" - our boy
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Funny dank comic memes entitled, "Today We Fight Under Our New Banner" | MEN, TODAY FIGHT UNDER OUR NEW BANNER FUCKIN WIN Dogmo COMICS @Dogmo Do9 Keanu Reeves | I hope we lose

Fourteen Dank Comic Memes All About Self-Sabotage

Thanks for the comic, Dogmo!
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object labeling dank memes using fantasy paintings as art, relatable memes, funny memes | Ibuprofen My headache @youngbottomtext | Uber called her nice @youngbottomtext young lady

These Dank Fantasy Memes Give Relatable Content Some Extra Edge

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Funny meme that reads, "When you're crushingly lonely and also your bed is made out of ham" above a medieval painting of a guy lying in a bed
Via doodlydoodledumdum
Funny memes made out of medieval art | know had rough life Death gives cuddle he comes claim soul CLASSICAL ART MEMES poor thing | Cats they hear pspspsps

Fourteen Strange Medieval Memes For History Buffs

WTF was going on back then...
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Cool mashups of classic horror movies and disney | 12c ONCE UPON DREAM DEVIL INSIDE KICK Wor FISTEPS Exorcist PUNCH Sleeping Beauty projectile vomit on the prince | The Aristocats KICK PET SEMATARY 120 WOLT FISTEY PRODUCTIONS presents PUNCH PET SEMATARY DEAD CATS WHO KNOW WHERE 'S AT!

Disney Goes Dark In These Brilliant Horror Mashups

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Wholesome Bob Ross quotes | " guess l'm little weird like talk trees and animals s okay though have more fun than most people."

19 Wholesome Bob Ross Quotes That'll Lift Your Spirits

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Funny memes about makeup | all needed brow pencil and walk out $341.82 later SEPHORA patrick star with thick lips | getting ready kill bitch who been hitting on man but u want ur makeup be on point person using a knife to apply makeup

Fifteen Makeup Memes For Pros And Noobs Alike

Calling all MUAs!
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funny random memes, relatable memes, dank memes, stupid memes | Classmate: did u study art test s today? fuck brb sprints bathroom slow heavy metal music playing pentagram to summon bob ross | LINKEDIN FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TINDER ancient gods statues and art

Pointless Posts In The Name Of Humor

Take that, boredom!
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Funny memes featuring classical art | Where did all go so wrong? ugly modern building vs classical landscape greek architecture | drawing artwork painting of jesus walking on water and reaching for a drowning man's hand while a group of men sails in a boat nearby drowning! Hi Drowning Jesus

Twenty-Eight Classical Art Memes For The Uninspired Artist

These memes count as educational, right...?
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Funny memes about photography, photographers | one taught love professional camera one taught patience Lightroom program logo one taught pain error Card1 cannot be accessed. Reinsert change card1 or format card1 with camera | Does hurt? Yes lot Will tag photographer or do slap again? photographerhumor

Fifteen Photography Memes You Can Easily Focus On

Get it? Focus?
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This Guy Deserves An Award

Funny meme that reads, "Dad challenges kids to draw him sleeping so he can have a nap" above a photo of a guy sleeping on a couch with kids drawing him
Via anlyin

Yup...That's Definitely A Baby Alright

Funny meme that reads, "When you're an inflight safety pamphlet designer who definitely knows what babies look like" above an illustration of a weird-looking baby
Via zombiekiller9952718
Jeff Hong Unhappily Ever After Series, disney movies, photoshop, beauty and the beast, aladdin, mulan, the little mermaid, 101 dalmations | disney's mulan wearing a face mask in a foggy air polluted china street

'Unhappily Ever After' Is A Dark Twist On Disney Classics

Not the Disney of your childhood.
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