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Man receives €200 gift card from work, wife flips out when he refuses to share it with her: 'When she used her discounts to get stuff, it was all for her, not for us'

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Mom criticizes aunt for taking her 11 and 14-year-old nieces to a Christmas theme park without their adopted 10-year-old brother who has behavioral and developmental issues: 'Flo and Ivy have expressed that they really value Ryan-free time'

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29-year-old boyfriend tells 24-year-old girlfriend she looks like she's 4 months pregnant, freaks out when she retorts that he looks 8 months pregnant: 'He said he will starve himself for 2 weeks now because of that comment'

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Dad threatens to kick out pregnant 22 year-old daughter-in-law for refusing to help clean: 'She isn't giving birth to Jesus'

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‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

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Spice-phobic husband complains family doesn't accommodate his palate: 'He's a big boy and shouldn't be acting like that'

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People Recall the Wildest Internet Discourse That Happened This Year

Funny memes, dank memes, twitter, twitter arguments | Pov: you won an argument You're blocked 000 You can't follow or see @ s Tweets. Learn more


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20 Clever Comebacks & Brutal Burns

Funny meme about screen shotting as a surprise tool that will help you later

Boyfriends HATE Him!

Funny meme about arguments.

It Me

Funny meme about proving your friend wrong in an argument by using google.

How Does It Feel To Lose?

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Just Had to Get Something Off His Chest

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Lock Logic

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The Evolution Argument

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