
relationships, toxic relationship, toxic relationships, delusional, kids, children, daughter, mother, mom, boyfriend, wtf, reddit, argument, disagreement

'He doesn't want to start a life with someone who's broken': Redditor's Slam Woman's 'Dream Partner' When He Tries to Pressure Her Into Putting Her Daughter Up for Adoption

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'Her stance seems extreme to me': Domineering Dad Refuses to Pay for Daughter's Wedding Because She Won't Let Him Give Her Away

twitter, roasted, yard, front yard, grass, lawn, argument, twitter, neighbor, neighbors, homeowner, homeowner association

'This is what you get without an HOA': Snooty Man Gets Mocked After Complaining About Neighbor Not Joining Homeowner Association

cooking, food, neighbors, crazy, argument, wtf, stupid people, wholesome, twitter

Woman Cooks for Neighbors, Somehow Offends People on the Internet

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Manipulative Dude Gets Medical Diagnosis, Berates Girlfriend for Going to Work Event

high school, teenager, teenagers, popularity, aging, wtf, argument, funny twitter

Woman Attacked By Dude For Admitting She Didn't Enjoy High School

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Best Shower Argument Memes for the Non Confrontational Crowd

Sassy Woman Pwns a Self Proclaimed 'Beast Mode Aficionado' on Twitter Who Thinks That Millennials Complain Too Much About Adulting, Midlife Crisis, and Getting Old

Sassy Woman Pwns a Self Proclaimed 'Beast Mode Aficionado' on Twitter Who Thinks That Millennials Complain Too Much About Adulting, Midlife Crisis, and Getting Old

internet, social media, argument, discourse, drama, stupid people, wtf, crazy, twitter, tiktok, twitter thread

People Recall the Wildest Internet Discourse That Happened This Year

money, relationship, boyfriend, revenge, malicious compliance, reddit

Woman Turns the Tables on Boyfriend's Freeloading After He Freaks Out Over the Cost of Two Beers

 twitter thread, twitter, opinion, opinions, right, wrong, argument, interesting

Twitter Users Share Their Benign Unpopular Opinions

server, servers, chef, kitchen, restaurant, argument, tiktok

People Discuss the Thorny Relationship Between Chefs and Front of House Staff

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Mom Sparks Intense Debate After Being Forced to Choose Between Daughters

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Funny & Outrageous Depop Drama That Exposes the Cutthroat Nature of Clothes Reselling

games, gaming, gamer, gamers, video games, argument, opinion, dumb, twitter

A Handful Of Terrible Takes From Entitled Gamers

chef, cook, server, waiter, hospitality, kitchen, job, work, coworkers, argument, tiktok

Chef Confounds Serving Staff With Unpredictable Mood Swings