
reddit, reddit thread, aita, daughter, nephew, sister, mom, enemy, vacation, family, argument

Dad refuses to go on family vacation after sister invites his 15-year-old daughter's enemy: 'This kid is a full-fledged nightmare'

mom, son, aunt, parenting, child, aita, reddit, reddit thread, argument, school

Napping mom leaves 7-year-old son at school 90 minutes after dismissal, gets offended when sister picks him up and calls her out: 'She accused me of overreacting'

family, family drama, argument, reddit, reddit thread, aita, brother, sister, entitled people, school, late, parents, siblings

16-year-old gets tired of 17-year-old brother making her late for school, lashes out at parents for enabling him: 'I can get ready in 20 minutes. He takes over an hour'

karen, dogs, service animal, hiking, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, emotional support animal, argument

Hiking Karen lectures couple for bringing emotional support dog on hiking trail with no dogs allowed, starts debate about service animals: 'Karen is in the right'

family, food, reddit, reddit thread, aita, late, husband, mother-in-law, daughter, granddaughter, cooking, dinner, argument

Grandma invites family for dinner at 6 PM but doesn't serve food until 9 PM, gets offended when daughter-in-law starts refusing invitation because of toddler daughter's bedtime: 'She thinks it's outrageous that I keep my daughter on a schedule'

family, babysitting, nephew, niece, aunt, parenting, tantrum, tablet, aita, reddit, reddit thread

7-year-old nephew throws dinner plate at aunt because he can't use his tablet after 8 PM, mom berates her for refusing to babysit thereafter: 'She suggested I need to educate myself on modern parenting'

hoa, apartment, money, condo, aita, reddit, reddit thread, family, brother, sister, argument

37-year-old man protests when pregnant younger sister refuses to give him $4500 to pay HOA fees for apartment owned by him and his wife: 'He is saying they could lose their condo'

family, baby, reddit, reddit thread, aita, baby names, name, mom, mother-in-law, husband, argument

New mom names daughter after late mother-in-law, offends husband's step mom who was her nemesis: 'I will not change my child's name because it hurts her feelings'

parenting, reddit, reddit thread, aita, kids, parents, aunt, kicked out, babysitting, relationships, argument

Young father builds family after being kicked out by parents at 15, rages when his aunt lets them meet his 4-year-old sons while she babysits: 'It wasn't her place'

money, friendship, wedding, best friend, entitled people, pregnant, bride, bridezilla, bachelorette party, bridal shower, aita, reddit, reddit thread, argument

Bride removes best friend as made of honor after she reveals pregnancy, throws tantrum when asked to reimburse costs of bridal shower and bachelorette party her friend paid for: 'Her reason? I'm getting too fat'

aita, reddit, reddit thread, christmas, gifts, gift, presents, niece, nephew, aunt, sister-in-law, family, argument, theft, stealing

Sister-in-law instructs kids to steal from jewelry and money from aunt at Thanksgiving party, protests when she doesn't want to get them Christmas presents: 'I never got an apology from her'

family, fostering, parenting, aita, reddit, reddit thread, baby name, names, dinner, argument, family dinner

Foster family refuse to call 16-year-old by his real name, get offended when he begins to ignore them: 'It bothers them so much'

american, british, uk, us, food, gross food, cooking, hot takes, hot take, article, usa, twitter, tiktok, trends

From Beans on Toast to Tavern Food: Why UK Food Will Always Be a Scapegoat to the US Internet

running, marathon, friendship, relationships, injury, exercise, aita, reddit, reddit thread, argument

Runner freaks out when friend decides to run a marathon with her, cuts the course to make sure she finishes first: 'I don't feel like running a race should be something that belongs to one person'

mom, friendship, daughter, reddit, reddit thread, aita, model, money, argument, relationships

Mom tries to charge friend who used to babysit 13-year-old daughter $400 to spend time with her after she begins modeling: 'You're dealing with a future superstar'

boyfriend, arguments, weight, weight gain, overweight, relationship drama, reddit story, fight, relationships, girlfriend, argument, fighting, pregnant, reddit thread, Reddit

29-year-old boyfriend tells 24-year-old girlfriend she looks like she's 4 months pregnant, freaks out when she retorts that he looks 8 months pregnant: 'He said he will starve himself for 2 weeks now because of that comment'