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28 Google Maps Gags and Blunders for Trolls of the Open Road

Take that, street view!
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Well, Duh...

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Created by starfirescully

Apple Maps Strikes Again

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Created by Pete1146

Did Apple Maps Give You Permission To Die?

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Created by Edgarlnah27

How Me an iPhone User Learn to Drive?

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But Can It Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?

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Created by rosiegee

I Like That Boulder! That is a Nice Boulder!

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Thanks for the Tip Apple Maps. You're so Helpful.

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Created by LeanMeanWaffle


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Created by straymond96

Apple's Main Inspiration

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Maybe They Meant Your Other Left

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Apple Maps

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Created by jtcaseley1

Don't Care, Found Jesus

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Created by fschwiet ( Via The Amazing iOS 6 Maps )

They would

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