

management, schedule, antiwork, toxic manager, day off, employee, manager, work, toxic management, managers, Reddit, toxic workplace, toxic boss, toxic work environment

'Suggest a solution': Manager forces employee to manage herself after scheduling her on her day off

That's not helpful
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boss, antiwork, workplace stories, expert, fired, terrible bosses, fire, man cave, reddit story, retired, reddit thread, bad bosses, retirement, Reddit, business, pinball

'2 years later the business closed for good': Clueless owner fires pinball machine expert, pinball machine sales fall by 35%

He screwed up big time
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Everything is inappropriate': Creepy boss gives employee flowers after his bullying forces her to quit

This boss needs some HR intervention
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Construction Worker Gets Back at Teammates After They Mess With His Radio

Construction Worker Gets Back at Teammates After They Mess With His Radio

Even while maintaining a calm workplace is one of the most crucial aspects of our daily lives, some people do not always view it as a common objective that must be consistently pursued. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee who discovered a perfect way of exacting revenge on his coworkers for their unwillingness to work together. OP was required to perform physical labor daily while working in an industrial setting. For fun, the on-site staff would rotate through the radio musi…
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jobs, money, work, salary, six figures, email, emails, antiwork, unemployment, Twitter, Job, workplace, twitter discourse, tweets, tweet, lazy, twitter reactions

Worker claims a $150K per year low-effort job isn't desirable: 'It's like premium unemployment'

Spoiler alert: it is
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getting fired, boss, anitwork, workplace stories, jobs, fired, work stories, job, terrible bosses, work, reddit story, toxic boss, medical, bad bosses, Reddit, surgery

'Basically fired while on medical leave': Boss eliminates employee's position after she got 5 surgeries in 3 months

Not the "Welcome Back" message she'd hoped for
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boss, antiwork, firing, jobs, bonus, toxic workplace, job, work, toxic boss, quitting work, Horrible Bosses, money, quitting, resignation, toxic work environment

'I did not receive my bonus': Boss forces employee to quit their job to receive their Christmas bonus, refuses to fire them

There's mischief afoot
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, reddit, toxic boss, boss, horrible bosses

Toxic Boss Enforces Mandatory Daily Morning Meetings, Forces Workers to Stand

Be glad you don't work here
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boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, hr, human resources, time off, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, pto, vacation, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Guess my last day is Friday!': Inconsiderate HR worker flagrantly denies time off request they previously approved

In a strange turn of events
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management, salary, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, hr, manager, work, coworkers, employer, employees, pay, human resources, managers, payment, money

'Should I be concerned?': Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

"Be not afraid" -The Law
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, story, antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, work stories, wages, wage theft, family drama, family, boss

‘They cheated him out of $377’: Son quits job at father’s company after being conned out of wages

Not on my watch
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fired, getting fired, job, bad jobs, work, workplace, toxic workplace, antiwork, recruiter, job hunt, employee, employment, reddit, reddit thread, subreddit

'I wasn't even given a single shift': Hotel chain fires employee before they start

New fear unlocked
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work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, recruiting, recruiter, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, revenge, email, emials, job, job interview

'I'd like to rescind my application': Offensive recruiter loses prospective employee over insulting email

Email etiquette is real
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'I'm smiling at grandmas, waving at kids, I'm like... a person': American ex-pat sparks debate about quality of life in Europe

Siesta-ing my life away
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, antiwork, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, work, toxic work environment, boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, dress code, uniform

'Boss is on a power trip’: Ridiculous employer reprimands worker for wearing a sweater after clocking out

This is a new low
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antiwork, workplace stories, vacations, work, workplace, vacation, boss, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, toxic boss, human resources, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses

'I was never supposed to approve your vacation': Boss tries to renege on employees Christmas vacation that he approved in October

Too little too late
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