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Ex-Military Dude Gets Fired 4 Hours Into His First Day of Work After Suspicious Employee Lies About Him

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Sober Woman Gets Fired After Coworker Snoops Through Her Phone And Finds Recovery Apps

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Redditors Discuss Which Professions & Industries Have the Most Messed up People in Them

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Bitter Recruiter Accuses Applicant of Applying for Jobs Solely to Negotiate a Pay-Raise at their Current Job

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Company Rescinds Job Offer and Screws Over Applicant, Gets Mad About Negative Glassdoor Review

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88-Year-Old Karen Harasses Her Coworkers, Including a 15-Year-Old Intern

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Couple Gets Fired Two Days After Their Wedding Because Groom Made a Complaint About a Supervisor Mocking His Disability

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Boss Forces Worker to Sign Document Promising to Never 'Talk Back,' Malicious Compliance Ensues

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Workers Rant About the Offensive Nature of Workplace Pizza Parties

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Company Forces Remote Worker to go Back to the Office Despite Their Success With Working From Home, Causes Employee of 27 Years to Quit

Woman catches company lowballing her in email

'Company got caught lowballing me': Director mistakenly CCs applicant on shady post-interview email

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Company Pulls Job Offer After Applicant Asks to Negotiate His Salary

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Secret Shopper Gets Hired to Rat Out Employees, Gives Only Positive Reviews Instead

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Boss Throws Tantrum After Employee Gets Second Job to Afford Living

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Shady CEO Lures Applicant Into Laborious Job They Didn’t Sign Up For, Threatens Not to Pay for Hours Worked

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Horrible Manager Calls All Staff Meeting, Doesn't Show Up, Claims it Was a Test of Loyalty