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This Hilarious Comic Accurately Conveys The Struggles Of Having Long Hair

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Always Playing Dumb Smh

Tumblr post that reads, "Why do parents always ruin your day and then act like they didn't ruin your day and wonder why you're in a bad mood"
Via BLDaught310

Yeah I'm Dippin' Out

Caption that reads, "'In order to use this website you will have to disable your adblocker;' Me: Guess I'll just leave then" above a stock photo of a woman saying goodbye
Via WorkThatSuckaToDeath

Um Excuse Me

"When you're trying to be lazy and someone starts being unnecessarily loud and productive around you" above a stock photo of a guy lying on a couch angrily holding up a bell
Via mg7374128350

Why Does No One Talk About This

Caption that reads, "Really hate when flies rub their hands together. WTF are you planning you little a**hole, you have a lifespan of like three days" above a pic of a fly
Via KittiusMaximus


Pic of a sign on the freeway that reads, "New year, new you, use your blinker"
Via Chingchilla

Every Damn Time

Object-label meme where a guy standing on the side of the road getting sprayed with water represents "Me washing dishes" and the car driving past him represents "a spoon"
Via ascvixen24

The People Have Spoken

Twitter poll that asks what the worst pet to have is; 88% of respondents answer "kids" before dogs and cats
Via puppiesandunicorns

So Rude Of Them

Caption that reads, "Me: *Visits other country;* Other country: *Has different outlets;* Me: ..." above a pic of Surprised Pikachu with a face that looks like an outlet
Via OctopussSevenTwo

Me As A Parent

Text that reads, "Heard this little girl in the Wal-Mart parking lot say 'I love you mommy' and the mom sighed and said 'I love you too but you're like really annoying'"
Via LongHairKindaCare

Oh, Okay

Someone says 'Hi' and the second person goes off into a rant about how the Keto diet is the best diet in the entire world and will solve virtually all of your problems
Via myloonybunisfinebennylava

Oddly Specific But Accurate

Tweet that reads, "You know when you're a fast walker and the guy ahead of you is fast too but only 90% as fast as you, so you MUST pass him, but to pass him you have to walk comically faster than your normal speed, or else you'll be in his personal space too long as you pass? That's annoying"
Via nerfasians

Hilarious, Dad!!

Caption that reads, "When it's New Years Eve and someone says 'see you next year'" above a pic of a guy laughing sarcastically
Via doodlydoodledumdum

That's Enough Of That

Caption that reads, "When you've had enough of the snow" above a pic of someone using a flamethrower to get rid of the snow
Via abbiistabbii


Caption that reads, "Me: Shut the door on the way out; Literally everyone: ..." above pics of doors that are open ajar


Caption that reads, "Me: *Cleaning my car;* Neighbor: 'Can you do mine next haha;" Me: ..." above pics of a red-headed kid making a sarcastic smile
Via saiyan101