

You Won't Like Nyan When It's Angry

angry animemes cat Nyan Cat real the hulk - 4941940480
Created by Black Veil Bride

Paranoid Parrot: It's the Cat, Do It Anyway

animemes kids bop Paranoid Parrot parents pets steps tabs - 4941864704
See all captions Created by Fmystrife

Nyan Cat: Seeks a Cabinet Post!

animemes Nyan Cat politics twitter wtf - 4945767424

Nazi Cat Already Has Hamburg

animemes cheezburger hitler Lenin Cat nazi poland puns - 4935203840
Created by Tiger

The Most Technologically Impaired Duck in the World

animemes caption duck paint Technologically Impaired Duck the most interesting - 4935489024
Created by italiaruiz97

LOL Fish

animemes fish IRL lol Memes - 4935489280

Make Technology Impaired Duck on Memebase, Don't Know How to Make the Letters Smaller or the Title Shorter

animemes duck letters size smaller Technologically Impaired Duck title - 4928338688
See all captions

Resistence Is Mewsless

animemes cat dictator hitler Lenin Cat mew reason - 4895857408
Created by WilliamKeckler

Reframe: A Dicator Appears

animemes cat equality hitler Lenin Cat Reframe - 4897111040
Created by JeannyQ

Depression Dog: Only Because You Begged

animemes depressed Depression Dog dogs forgotten front page - 4922160896
See all captions Created by Dylan Mcdonald

Some Stains Never Wash Out

animemes bath Blood Death dogs glasses Memes stains - 4904716032

No Longer an Art Studet

animemes art Art Student Owl aw yeah IRL Owl student - 4898835968
Created by Watercut

Socially Awkward Birthday

animemes Awkward cake happy birthday IRL penguin socially awkward penguin you too - 4925069568
Via Epic Ponyz

The Internet IRL: Nyan Stamp WIN

animemes IRL nyan Nyan Cat poptarts stamp - 4918720000

Reframe: It's a Trap

animemes anti joke chicken duck Reframe robot stick USB - 4913395712
Created by KennyMcKormick

Reframe: Print Screen? Never Heard of It

animemes computers duck i dont always most interesting man Nyan Cat Sims Technologically Impaired Duck - 4914009856
Created by FaZeMinT