

A compilation of random and hilarious relatable memes.

Relatable Memes For People Who Want Solidarity

I wholeheartedly believe that memes made me more empathetic as a tween. As a kid, I was obsessed with the internet and being on the pulse of the latest trends. Sure, the content on YouTube was entertaining, but I didn't really learn anything about myself by watching The Annoying Orange. Once I got onto social media proper, I began seeing memes that articulated the exact experiences that I'd had. Yes, I've rubbed my eyes for too long and seen colors! Yes, a teacher has responded to me asking, “c…
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demon-slayer demon slayer demons anime tanjiro zenitsu inosuke anime-memes memes demon-slayer-memes animemes streaming crunchyroll season-3 new how-to-watch

20+ Funniest Demon Slayer Memes for Anime Fans Who Can't Figure Out How to Watch Season 3

Please tell me it's on Crunchyroll
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Funny anime memes and history memes | Germany ever do don't attack US don't have resources deal with Japan s not if can or can't do matters is if want do | Britain British history books Britain American history books Britain Indian history books Britain Hong Kong history books

Memes That Expertly Mix Anime and History

We've got some good news for history buffs who also happen to appreciate the finer things in life. You know, things of culture. And if you're a man of culture you'll know we're talking about anime and history memes. Thanks to the r/HistoryAnimemes subreddit, there's a wealth of history meme/ anime meme mashups at our disposal. You know, the best of both worlds. Some of the memes are a bit depressing, others are slightly less doomy. But we're just glad that there's finally a way we can enjoy the…
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A compilation of anime memes for weebs and otakus

31 Weeb-y Anime Memes For Otakus

I’ll say it; otakus and weebs deserve respect. I may not technically be a weeb, but I’ve always respected the rights of weebs to hang out in the Manga section at Barens and Noble. They should be able to wear schoolgirl outfits in public without getting laughed at and ridiculed out of the Barnes and Noble bathroom. I respect weebs who do not want to even show their face in a Barnes and Noble and prefer the likes of independently owned book retailers. Luckily, we seem to be entering a golden age…
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A compilation of anime memes

Anime Memes For Self-Proclaimed Weebs

We are living in the golden age of the anime fandom. Long past are the days of weebs being bullied and degraded for their interests in anime series and movies. Now, even the most normal normie has seen at least one piece of anime IP. I went to a high school in Texas that was utterly obsessed with athletic achievement, and even there, most of the guys on the football team watched anime. If you're a weeb, you should hold your head high: Cosplay in public, brandish your favorite characters on your…
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A compilation of funny memes about anime

Anime Memes That Are Anime-zing

I know this might be a cold take colder than the arctic, but I love how food looks in anime. Something about the lighting, the preparation, and the overall food vibes in anime put me at ease. I'd say that the unique aesthetic of anime shows and movies are some of the driving forces that draw people, particularly Americans, to them. After all, adult animation made in the United States can be so ugly. I mean, have you seen Big Mouth? Oftentimes, American showrunners and animators care a lot less…
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A compilation of memes themed around Avatar The Last Airbender

Hilarious Avatar The Last Airbender Memes For Fans on Their 10th Rewatch

There's a reason when somebody says they like Avatar, you know they're talking about Avatar The Last Airbender . Even if you ask to clarify “which Avatar," it's just an
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Funny random memes and tweets, humor

A Handful of Spicy History and Anime Meme Mashups

Hello, hello, hello. We here at Memebase have got some good news for history enthusiasts who also happen to be people of culture. And if you're truly a man of culture you'll know we're talking about those of us who enjoy anime. Thanks to the incredibly specific r/HistoryAnimemes community, there's a relatively unknown hub of hilarious and spicy history meme/ anime meme mashups—basically the best of both worlds. As is the case with most history memes, some of them are a bit depressing or spicy i…
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Funny memes about being single, singles day, china, funny memes | Day 371 of being single: @gay dumpster I....need a boyfriend | single egg carton Them How single are you? Me OLIV OIL

Memes And Tweets In 'Celebration' Of Singles Day

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funny anime memes, dragon ball z, cat girls, weeaboos | Forgot great series Cowboy Bebop is stu from rugrats. cat girl teaching a class: moins (de plus (de 1 Al'époque, je n'étais pas en bonne sante, j'allais mal, je n'aval de courage et je trouvais ma vie peu intéressante Maintenant, je isen meillere santi, N 2 Al'époque, nous avions une elle consomm aucoup d'essence et elle x roulk mux 3 l'époque, cet homme n'avait pas une bonne qualité de vie: IF HAVE ANY QUESTIONS JUST GO "PSPSPSP" AND COME

27 Anime Memes For People Of Culture

Calling all weebs.
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It's not that hot just eat, anime memes, sexy memes.

'It's Not That Hot, Just Eat' Is A Horny Anime Meme Gone Haywire

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Funny anime meme about anime camera angles.
Via porgo0
Funny anime memes.

17 Anime Memes That Anyone Can Appreciate

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Caption that reads, "How that one out of dentist who doesn't recommend Sensodyne be at the annual dental conference" above a pic of Vegita from Dragonball Z looking annoyed in the corner
Via JustAWeirdLoser
funny memes about manga, anime, and netflix adaptation.

16 'Netflix Adaptation' Memes That Really Stick It To The Company

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Funny anime memes.

18 Fresh Anime Memes That'll Satisfy Your Inner Weeb

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