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'Scottish Pokemon Trainer' Is The Latest WTF Dank Meme To Grace The Internet

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"Is this a Pigeon" meme where the guy represents "Skype," his hand represents "Is this a [minimize icon]," and the butterfly represents the "exit" icon
Via chrkace

Get It Right People!

'Is this a pigeon' meme where the butterfly represents "Correlation" and the bottom text reads, "Is this a causation"
Via SaladBalladFun
Funny random memes.

37 Silly Pics That'll Distract You From All The Bad Stuff

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World Wide Weeaboo

Funny meme about japan and manga, hentai.
Via ty4freedoge
funny memes about nice guys

'You'll Never Understand My Pain' Is A Sarcastic Meme Comparing Life's Hilarious Hardships

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Yes, It Is I

Caption that reads, "Anime character: I am just an average 14-year-old middle school student" above a pic of an extremely muscular guy
Via GoldenSun3DS

It's Probably Those Pesky iPhones

'Is this a PIgeon' meme where anime character represents "Parents," the butterfly represents "classic symptoms of mental illness" and the bottom text reads, "Is this laziness?"
Via milohilay

Dayum, Ash

Caption that reads, "Damn...Ash is shredded as f*ck" above a pic of an Ash Ketchum figurine where he has a six-pack, next to stills from Pokemon where he lifts up very heavy Pokemon
Via FishCoffin
Funny tweets from Shanna Shi about pokemon that have the same hair as major league players

Pokémon And MLB Players Collide In This Hilarious Twitter Thread

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shaggy memes

This Trending Dank Scooby Doo Meme Depicts Shaggy Going Super Saiyan

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Caption that reads, "How that one out of dentist who doesn't recommend Sensodyne be at the annual dental conference" above a pic of Vegita from Dragonball Z looking annoyed in the corner
Via JustAWeirdLoser
Funny random memes

27 Fun Memes That'll Get Your Weekend Going

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fresh dank memes for non-normies

15 Fresh Dank Memes For The Non-Normies

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Sugoi desu ne

Caption that reads, "History teacher mentions Japan; Weebs: ..." above a still of a guy from a TV show saying, "I like where this is going"
Via Kev_55

I'm Right Here

Tweet where girl posts pic of an anime butterfly with text that reads, "Why can't I find a guy like this, uggh;" Pigeon comments "Hey" on tweet and girl replies "No"
Via ChaosSymphony