
andrew callaghan

channel 5, andrew callaghan, comedy, funny video, youtube, utah rap festival, mad lads, funny, utah, interview, journalism, all gas no brakes

Channel 5's Coverage of the Utah Rap Festival is Absolute Madness

If you were a fan of All Gas No Brakes and haven't watched Andrew Callaghan's new series Channel 5 yet, you really need to start with this recent special on the Utah Rap Festival. In this 15-minute highlight from Channel 5's full episode on Patreon, the youth of Salt Lake City impart us with invaluable wisdom, such as 'f-ck the mormons b-tch!' The chaotic energy in this video is agitating and addictive at the same time—at times it hurts to watch and yet you can't look away. Channel 5 is a gratif
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