
am i the asshole

reddit, reddit thread, relationships, am i the asshole, aita, step dad, mom, daughter, family, parenting

Weird Stepdad Thinks Wife's 16-Year-Old Daughter Should Pay for Everything Herself

It's good to teach kids about financial responsibility throughout their lives, but forcing them to buy everything themselves is not the way to do that. One redditor opened up about her spiteful husband, who seems to think it's totally fine to make her 16-year-old daughter feel guilt-ridden every time she wants something. Because the teenager has a part-time job, her stepdad will apparently say “you have money, buy it yourself” anytime she asks for something. When the girl's mom asked Reddit if…
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entitled, marriage, relationships, husband, wife, wtf, am i the asshole, aita, reddit, reddit thread

Pilot Apparently Can’t Fly a Plane Unless Wife Irons Uniform for Him

Imagine refusing to go to school because your mom didn't have time to make your special sandwich. This is unacceptable behavior for a kid, let alone a full-grown adult. One disgruntled stay-at-home-mom asked Reddit if she was the a-hole for calling her pilot husband “insane” for ditching work to teach his wife a lesson after she didn't have time to iron his uniform. Commenters answered with a resounding “not the asshole.”
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aita, manager, boss, employee, fired, maternity leave, job, work, reddit

Douchebag Boss Gets Slammed for Firing Employee After Maternity Leave

Not a good look
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Reddit post about crazy Karen who demands person gets out of elevator for her and her seven children

Crazy Karen Demands Everyone Gets Out of Elevator to Make Room For Her 7 Children

The hallmark trait of a Karen is entitlement. Most Karen's wants to control every person around them, even if they is making the most demanding and absurd request. Not only do they believe the world revolves around them, but they are going to ensure that everyone around them knows they think the world revolves around them and make it the public's problem. One of the worst breeds of Karen's are those who demand you inconvenience yourself for them and their spoiled rotten kids . They yell at rest…
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relationships, dating, reddit reddit thread, am i the asshole, aita, red flags, boyfriend, girlfriend

Dude Gets Mad at Girlfriend for Dropping Pasta on His Floor After He Calls Her a Slur as a 'Prank'

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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family, sister in law, am i the asshole, aita, revenge, reddit, reddit thread, in laws

Serial Wallet-Forgetter Faces Consequences of Her Own Actions, Throws Tantrum

Everyone forgets their wallet once in a while, and it's nothing to hold a grudge over. But when someone forgets their wallet every time they go out to dinner with friends or relatives, that person obviously doesn't want to pay the bill (ever). One redditor got sick of her serial wallet-forgetter sister-in-law 's antics, so the next time OP's SIL invited her to a fancy restaurant, OP made sure to bring her SIL's ‘forgotten’ wallet to the restaurant for her.
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entitled parent, entitled mom, parenting, aita, am i the asshole, wtf, strict parents, food, diet, kids, karen, reddit, reddit thread

Entitled Parent Demands 'Consequences' for Child Who Shared Birthday Cake With Her Son

There are a million ways someone can accidentally mess up their kid , and no one in their right mind is under the impression that parenting is easy in any way, but some things are just common sense. Making sure your kid has a healthy diet and is knowledgable about nutrition is good. Being a weird dictator about food and prohibiting your kid from enjoying a slice of cake on a special occasion? Not so good. When one redditor asked r/AmItheAsshole whether she was in the wrong for demanding “conseq…
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relationships, dating, men, women, gender, gender roles, wtf, masculinity, am i the asshole, asshole, aita, reddit thread

Guy Gets Shamed By Girlfriend's Parents for Not Being a 'Real Man,' So He Quits Doing Chores

Even in 2022, some people still have pretty medieval views on gender roles, like one redditor's girlfriend and her parents who believe that every man should be able to fix things around the house. Do they also believe their daughter should quit her good job and do all the housework and cooking? I don't really want to know the answer to that. When u/housework1998 vented to r/amitheasshole about his situation, redditors were overwhelmingly on OP's side.
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relationships, boyfriend, girlfriend, family, dating, entitled parents, classist, wtf, am i the asshole, aita, rich people, breakup

Rich and Entitled Mom Shames Son's Blue-Collar Girlfriend Before Family Trip, GF Ditches Them On the Spot

Entitled rich people who treat others like garbage just because they make less money are some of the worst people on the planet. When redditor u/NoTGoingThank was invited to go to Cabo with her boyfriend's family , she didn't expect to get cruelly singled out for her blue-collar background. Luckily, a kind stranger gave OP the encouragement she needed to break off the toxic relationship . She really dodged a bullet.
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am i the asshole, aita, rosemary's baby, creepy, reddit thread, reddit, parents, kids, family, weird, relationships, in laws, aita

Unhinged Family Freaks Out When Daughter-In-Law’s First Born Isn’t a Boy, Goes Full ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ at the Shower

Every family has its quirks, but this redditor's story about how her in-laws reacted to the sex of her unborn child is beyond unsettling. The family nearly had a collective mental breakdown after they failed to will a baby boy into existence through various “rituals,” the ultimate goal possibly being to superimpose their dead grandfather's identity onto the kid. Yikes. Sounds like something out of Rosemary's Baby or Hereditary. Jokes aside, OP's family likely just needs some serious grief couns…
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A story about a groom who criticizes his sister for breastfeeding her baby at his wedding and gets roasted.

Dude Gets Mad At His Sister For Breastfeeding Her Months Old Baby, Gets Called Out

The conversations around the appropriateness of breastfeeding in public have been contentious for many years. Many mothers have been forced to breastfeed their babies in public restroom stalls, in their cars, or under blankets because of the perceived inappropriateness of the act. On a different leaf, Reddit's AITA (Am I The A**h*le) thread concerns weddings as one of the most frequent discussion topics. Many clueless rude wedding guests ruin family weddings, and there is also no shortage of gr…
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am i the asshole, funny, family, marriage, brother in law, relationships, petty, aita, reddit thread, reddit

Dude Whines About His Wife's Cooking So Brother-In-Law Serves Dinner With Toy Kitchen Set for Toddlers

What do you do when you witness your a-hole in-law treating your sibling like crap? Do you keep your head down and stay out of their business, or do you intervene? One redditor decided on the latter after witnessing his exhausted sister get crap from her husband for not serving him dinner even though she'd cooked everything. Angry on his sister's behalf, OP taught his brother-in-law a lesson—a petty move that might have done more harm than good, but satisfying nonetheless.
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interview, jobs, am i the asshole, reddit, reddit thread, creepy, fired, sexual harassment

Creepy Interviewer Makes Woman Uncomfortable With Inappropriate Questions, Gets Fired

Job interviews are one of the more nerve-racking and anxiety-inducing things a person can experience. To take an already stressful situation and crank up the discomfort by throwing some sexual harassment into the mix is downright sociopathic. When u/R_Rover_2013 called out her interviewer after he asked a series of highly personal and inappropriate questions, he threw a fit and ended the interview. I guess he thought asking a potential hiree about what kind of guys she likes to date was a total…
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am i the asshole, aita, reddit thread, reddit, designated driver, alcohol, sober, bars, bar culture, drinking, party, driving, courtesy, alcohol

Designated Driver Asks Friends for Dinner in Exchange for Services, Gets Called an A-Hole

Being the sober friend in the crew can come with some pretty annoying disadvantages, like becoming the default designated driver at every boozy social engagement. One sober redditor decided to make it a little better for herself by imposing a “designated driver tax” on her drunk friends whenever they expected her to drive everyone home at the end of the night. She didn't expect anything too crazy–a few sodas here and there, or a covered dinner once in a while–but one friend was positively scand…
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aita, am i the asshole, weird, suspicious, relationships, marriage, creepy, reddit, reddit thread, gaslighting, conspiracy, red flag

Couple's Game Gets Weird When Husband Pressures Blindfolded Spouse to Sign 'Papers'

Every couple has their mundane problems, but what does it say about your relationship when you start to suspect your partner of conspiring against you? Either some underlying trust issues have always been lurking just under the surface of your otherwise healthy relationship, or maybe you really have been living with a duplicitous psychopath all along. Redditor u/ThrowRAissuesRA turned to Reddit for advice after a series of seemingly harmless games with their husband took an unsettling turn.
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relationships, am i the asshole, aita, ghosting, reddit, reddit thread, twitter, nice guys, dating

Guy Ghosts Date Then Gets Mad When She Doesn’t Play His Weird Games

After redditor u/hi_can_i_get_uhh was ghosted by a guy she was dating , she accepted the situation and moved on like a mature adult. All she wanted from him was a ring she'd accidentally left at his apartment. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? Well OP's ghoster decided to hold her ring hostage for unknown reasons, and so she eventually gave up and bought a new one. But when she told her ghoster to forget about the whole thing, he totally freaked out. The audacity . Keep scrolling for the wh…
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