
am i the asshole

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Entitled pregnant sister-in-law insists brother-in-law cook her meals: 'I told her BIL doesn't equal spouse'

He's not a stand-in husband
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money, saving money, finance, finances, savings, funds, relationships, relationship advice, toxic relationship, long term relationship, relationship drama, family drama, marriage, reddit, aita, am i the asshole

Lawyer boyfriend asks girlfriend for €30k for mother's failing business after she refuses initial ask of €60k: 'The cafe (and his mom) is a money pit'

Combining finances is a complex alchemy
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'She can't trust you or the friendship': Duplicitous woman hides 4-year marriage from best friend, casually slips it into conversation

Um that's not casual
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Controlling boyfriend withholds salt from girlfriend’s cooking: ‘He needs to take several seats’

No salt for you!
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New mom's baby name tribute to 'Nana Lottie' goes horribly, hilariously wrong: 'To say the family lost their minds would be an understatement'

She should have thought that through
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Family chews out niece for refusing to let 17-year-old college student share her NYC apartment: 'They haven't offered me anything in return'

With these rent prices?
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parenting, parenting fail, parenting fails, parent, crazy things parents say, moms, children, baby, baby cry, crying, child free, childless, friends, friend drama, reddit, reddit thread, aita, am i the asshole

'This was some secret test': Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby's cry at a restaurant

Everyone's competing for mom of the year
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daughter, mom, your mom, parenting, parenting story, adulting, adulthood, adult, finance, finances, money, saving money, credit card, debt, reddit, reddit thread, aita, am i the asshole

24-year-old daughter racks up $3000 in credit card debt, mother refuses to bail her out: 'She is an adult, but still acting like a teenager'

You're on your own, kid
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, ask reddit, subreddit, am i the asshole, aita, family drama, sister, sisters, parenting, parenting fail, off the grid, homeschool, freeloader

Freeloading sister refuses to adjust to off-the-grid new home: ‘Worried for these children’

Freeloaders can’t be choosers
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boyfriend, funny boyfriend, toxic boyfriend, relationships, healthy relationship, relationship advice, relationship drama, toxic relationship, drama, family drama, food, eating, entitled, entitled people, reddit, am i the asshole, aita

Entitled, hungry boyfriend eats partner out of house and home: 'He's using you for free food'

Hungry hungry bf
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stepmom, stepdad, step parents, blended, blended family, family drama, family story, parenting, parents, parents of teens, teenagers, relationships, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, am i the asshole, aita

'It's too bad she didn't take no an answer': Stepmom forces mother-daughter relationship on kid despite her wishes

It's an uphill battle for step parents
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breakfast, second breakfast, team breakfast food, food, family, family drama, parenting, parenting fail, funny parenting, bad parenting, mom, overbearing, reddit, am i the asshole, aita

'It's my house my rules': Son kicks out overbearing mom for continuing to make breakfast despite his wishes

Classic mom stuff
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parenting,  parents, renting, housing, apartment, living together, living at home, adulting, adulthood, house, money, saving money, family drama, reddit, reddit thread, am i the asshole, aita

'They need their 25-year-old to subsidize their lifestyle': Mom charges son $600 in rent, retaliates when he wants to move out

The price of living at home
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name, names, surname, baby names, nicknames, couples, funny couples, relationships, relationship memes, relationship advice, argument, fights, reddit, askreddit, am i the asshole, aita

'I think both are just trying to overpower the other one at this point': Wife wants to name daughter 'hippy name,' is shut down by traditionalist husband

What's in a name?
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, am i the asshole, aita, babysitter, aunt, family drama, cake, birthday, birthday cake, childcare, discourse, babysitting, teenagers

'Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters': Stingy aunt charges teenage babysitter £20 for eating leftover cake

Let her eat cake
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, petty revenge reddit, am i the asshole, aita, boyfriend, shower, showering, gym, toxic relationship, toxic, petty revenge, drama, relationship drama

'You will go bankrupt paying the water bill': Water-wasting boyfriend showers for 2 hours, loses girlfriend in the process

That's a costly shower
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