

bored, hotel, business, business trip, trip, hotel, twitter, tiktok, work, employee

"In a Work Hotel, you did not pay for one of life's greatest joys': 'Corporate girlie' gets chastised for complaining of hotel boredom on a business trip

Some people dream of this
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alone, lonely, apartment, introvert, tiktok, viral tiktok, comments, funny comments, isolation, city

'I'd literally never leave': Woman boasts about not talking to anyone for 72 hours, internet extols virtues of living alone

An introvert's dream
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twitter, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter discourse, twitter story, funny, random, restaurant, dining, dining experience, eating, eating out, food, food service, solo, alone, social experiment

'It was the most awkward hour': Guy eats at Benihana alone to test limits of social discomfort

Expert level solo dining
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twitter, Twitter Thread, debate, tweets, Debates, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, black twitter, twitter discourse, isolation, solitary confinement, isolated, torture, alone

People Discuss Whether They'd Withstand a Year of Solitary Confinement for $20 Billion

Nobody could survive this
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witty introverts introvert introverted memes introvert-memes relatable relatable-memes socially-awkward awkward socialize social-anxiety social-battery outsiders antisocial party extroverts

20 Witty Introvert Memes for Eager Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 7, 2023)

I didn't want to come
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Funny video taken by a passenger on a bus driven by a driver who thinks there's no one on the bus

Passenger Secretly Records Bus Driver Who Thinks He's Alone

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So Many Important Things To Do

Funny meme about wanting to be invited out to things but then not wanting to go after all
Via LeoSenior
Funny memes for introverted or antisocial people

Introverted Memes For Those Who Hate Other People

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Alright, See You Guys Next Year

Caption that reads, "I socialized this weekend. Me for the next three months: ..." above a pic of a monk standing on a ledge staring off into the mountains
Via LongHairKindaCare

Some Good Ol' Together-Alone Time

Caption that reads, "This is how I feel when I'm listening to a podcast" above a pic of a guy eating ice cream in front of a sign with three women looking happy and also eating ice cream
Via OliveTheOysterDancer

Yeah That Was Some False Advertisement

Tweet that reads, "Movies made it look like I'd be having a lot more wine nights with the girls in my apartment, when in reality it's just me eating salads by myself"
Via anlyin

Put That Thing Away

Caption that reads, "How it feels to eat with someone who's always on their phone" above a pic of a guy at a restaurant sitting alone in a corner
Via Boziffer

Probably Why I Have No Friends

Pic of a symphony where a guy lifting up a sledgehammer represents 'me,' the sledgehammer represents 'weird niche humor,' and the platform represents 'people I just met'
Via Stressful

He's Always There!

Funny sign advertisement for 'Joe the People Follower' who follows you around and makes you feel less lonely
Via abbiistabbii

The Saddest Aisle In The Grocery Store

Sad forever alone single single af grocery shopping alone - 9144195840
Via Meeeeesh

No one dies alone...

survival Death alone web comics - 8761491712
Via oglaf
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