

goots, goots memes, funny memes, dumb memes, shitposts, twitter memes, funny tweets, goose, animal memes

The Internet is Obsessing Over 'Goots,' an AI-Generated Meme Featuring a Fat Goose

Honse and Bode walked so Goots could run. Who the hell is Goots, you ask? He's a big fat goose chillin' on a sunny patch of grass, that's who. Via KnowYourMeme According to Know Your Meme , the original image of Goots can be traced back to a 2014 Flickr post, but Goots was elevated to viral status in early 2022 after @CroixAlmer posted a tweet claiming that they “made an algorithm look at 1,000 memes on Twitter and then produce its own, and this is what I got.” Included in the tweet is a versio…
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work, anti work, algorithm, software, boss, salary, loophole, reddit thread, employment

Algorithm Assigns Employee Very Little Work, Employee Keeps Mouth Shut for Years

Every employee's dream
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