

quality of life, self help, life improvement, reddit, thread, insightful, wholesome, wise, advice, happiness, mental health

Insightful Thread Reveals How People Improved Their Lives With Simple Changes

Happiness isn't something that just drops into your lap one day like winning the lottery. Joy doesn't simply arrive after some sort of spontaneous spiritual awakening. Quality of life is largely dependent on the conditions of one's environment, and although many of the things that affect those conditions are out of our control, some of them are. And as mundane as it sounds, sometimes it's the little changes that improve quality of life in ways we wouldn't expect. Like getting a trolly for carryi
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young people, youth, advice, reddit, lifeprotips, money, health, friends, jobs, savings

Redditors Advise On All The Things Young People Need To Know

Listen up
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cat, tree, christmas tree, christmas, advice, tiktok, scare, video

Cat Owner Tries Eccentric Method To Stop Her Christmas Tree Getting Destroyed

No more climbing
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wikihow, weird, wtf, image, image macro, instagram, advice, lol

Absurd wikiHow Image Macros That Wouldn’t Look Out Of Place If They Were Real

As children of the internet , it is our shared and slightly shameful open secret that we have all tried to learn a trick or two from wikiHow at some point. Almost as famous as the advice it gives are the pictures that go along with it. The distinctive watercolor-style illustrations can be a strange experience even when they are viewed within the context of the advice that they accompany. This makes them the perfect base material for image macros of all sorts, as @wikihowimagemacros has discover…
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funny tweets, funny memes, funny bad advice, tumblr | PRO TIP drain all oil, squeeze car real good. car smashed against the ceiling | tips Not sure much pasta make? Give up on life. There are gonna be lot harder decisions than one So might as well give up now.

20+ Examples of Advice Nobody Should Take Seriously

Good luck, y'all.
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Life lessons that people learned at great personal cost.

Lessons People Learned at Great Personal Cost

Learn from their experiences.
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marriage, debate, wife, husband, marriage, trust, book, writing, baby, angry, twitter

Twitter Divided After Guy Gets Upset At Wife Writing A Book

There's layers here
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Funny, crazy, and cringey posts from advice sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, and Reddit, overbearing parents, crazy parenting

Unhinged Cringe From The Pits Of Advice Forums

RIP Yahoo Answers
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reddit thread, reddit, relationships, marriage, entitled, kids, parenting, wtf, advice, am i the asshole, aita, stay at home mom

Controlling Husband Won’t Let Wife Go to Her Own Brother’s Wedding and Reddit is Furious

A good relationship isn't always love and romance. Every relationship requires healthy communication, boundaries, compromise, mutual support and compassion in order to succeed. Throw kids into the mix and the importance of good communication and healthy balance increases significantly. There's nothing wrong with having a parent who stays at home to take care of the kids and one who works for an income. But if one partner in the relationship starts to call all the shots, the other is bound to fee
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funny tips and weird advice | Don't have bookmark? Try using Chex Mix instead | Just be yourself My 'self' is just an ever shifting collection desires and reflections Just have fun then

Weird And Dubiously Helpful Tips From Internet Strangers

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You're Welcome

Senpai computer tip for scrolling
Via u/Klashinov

No Dating Success In Sight

Funny meme that reads, "Actually how it looks when me and my friends give each other relationship advice" above an image of two clowns having a conversation
Via ReduceReuseRecycledMemes
Cringey r/relationship_advice thread about boyfriend whose girlfriend tells him she is a cat, otherkin, cringe, funny, cringeworthy, dating, relationships | My (24M) girlfriend (26F) fully believes she is cat human's body. Ir/all TI;dr: gf now thinks she is an otherkin cat human's body and refuses see anything wrong with situation echo chamber she is now has done nothing but enable her and don't know do know people are going think either trolling or baiting but please read before comment this

Dude Asks Reddit For Advice After Girlfriend Starts Believing She's A Cat

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Funny WikiHow memes | u/bidoof_m 212d give alarm taste its own medicine wiki shouting at an alarm clock | u/[removed 2y imgur explain pizza ordered is far too small 22.9k 156 1 Share

Twenty-Nine WikiHow Memes For People Who Want Really Bad Advice

Bad advice galore.
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Text message thread about how to protect yourself against coronavirus | Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven be effective blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses multiplying throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day begin feel ANY "cold- like" symptoms beginning is best

Informative Guide To Not Catching Coronavirus Might Help Curb The Pandemic

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Sexist dating standards for women from the 1930s | black and white vintage photo of couple on a date DON'T TALK ABOUT CLOTHES or try describe new gown man. Please and flatter date by talking about things he wants talk about

1930s Dating Advice Proving Life Was NOT Better Back In The Day

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