

I Really Can't Help it Though...

advice be cliché dont - 5682400000
Created by Dominick

Know the Difference

advice bad caution difference Hall of Fame literalism similar sounding warning - 5588261376
Via Tastefully Offensive

Your Warm and Fuzzy Nightmare of the Day

adage advice double meaning Hall of Fame literalism - 5337200640
Created by ToolBee


4chan advice hilarious Sad - 5415177728

Old Chinese Secrets for Forever Alone

advice chinese cookies food forever alone fortune - 5415361536
Created by brodiemanthe1st

Maybe a BLT; Something That Shows You'll Put Work In

advice crush Omegle sandwich - 5390916864
Created by Duhlana


advice gift hilarious - 5326633984
Created by fareon

I've Really Got to Start Looking at the Bottom of Things

advice best of week IRL - 5273944832


advice classic Hall of Fame megatron negative optimist optimus prime similar sounding transformers - 5273577216

Viruses Are a Big Deal, So...

advice click dont double meaning Hall of Fame link links literalism punchline zelda - 5251839232

And Then Your Voice Will Get Really Shanghai

advice Hall of Fame homophone homophones innuendo meme - 5202616320
Created by fbastage


advice ask Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation now questions quote shoot similar sounding - 5199287296

Philosoraptor Challenges Hipster Kitty

advice agreement opinions philosoraptor what - 5168056576
See all captions Created by I_couldnt_think_of_a_better_name

Time's a-Melting!

advertisement advice literalism sign similar sounding words bad puns - 5082234112
Created by Unknown

Net Noob's Computer Runs So Much Faster Now!

advice Net Noob system 32 trolls - 5051446016
Created by ljg52843

Time for a New Ride

advice car cheating husband IRL - 4984938240
Created by baybora