
friendship, twitter, best friends, airports, airport, friends, girlfriends, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, twitter discourse, tumblr, adulting, adult, adulthood, adults, tweet, pickup, driving

Woman Claims She'd Never Ask Anyone To Pick Her Up From The Airport Because She's 'An Adult', Gets Roasted By Twitter

‘I accidentally named my son Bill Clinton: Parents Reveal Why They Regret the Names They Gave Their Kids

‘I accidentally named my son Bill Clinton': Parents Reveal Why They Regret the Names They Gave Their Kids

Funniest Tweets About Songs Parents Sing to Their Kids to Get Them Through the Tumultuous Career That Is Parenting

Funniest Tweets About Songs Parents Create to Get Them Through the Tumultuous Rollercoaster That Is Parenting

Relatable Adulting Memes For Those of Us Who Are Reluctantly Leaving Adolescence Behind

Relatable Adulting Memes For Those of Us Who Are Reluctantly Leaving Adolescence Behind

Funniest Pregnancy Memes for Anyone Who Definitely Didn’t Know What They Signed Up For

Funniest Pregnancy Memes for Anyone Who Definitely Didn’t Know What They Signed Up For

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Parenting Memes We Saw This Week

Funniest Memes for People Who May or May Not Be on the Verge of a Mental Breakdown but Are Somehow Keeping it Together

Funniest Memes for People Who May or May Not Be on the Verge of a Mental Breakdown but Are Somehow Keeping it Together

Super Baby Catches Two Bags of Groceries That Her Mama Dropped While Carrying Her Inside, She Doesn’t Even Seem Phased

Super Baby Catches Two Bags of Groceries That Her Mama Dropped While Carrying Her Inside, She Doesn’t Even Seem Phased

Millennials Compare Their Awkward-Fugly-Braces Middle School Era to Middle School Gen-Z’s Perfect Make-up Tutorials and Viral Dance Trend Phase and It’s Not Pretty

Millennials Compare Their Awkward-Fugly-Braces Middle School Era to Middle School Gen-Z’s Perfect Make-up Tutorials and Viral Dance Trend Phase and It’s Not Pretty

adult, disney, fandom, disneyland, goofy, twitter thread, debate

Controversial Thread Rails Against The Phenomenon Of “Disney Adults”

millennial memes

Dismal Tweets That Really Sum Up the Millennial Experience

Funny meme about kids wanting to grow up to be just like you.


Funny meme that reads, "This is what babies see when you wanna kiss them. That's why they cry" above a creepy close-up photo of a woman's face

It All Makes Sense

Funny tweet that reads, "As a child I thought I'd have to deal with the Bermuda Triangle a lot more than I have in my adult life"

Hey Yeah...

Video of kids explaining things they don't understand about being an adult

100 Kids Hilariously Describe What They Just Don't Understand About Adults

tips to act like an adult

15 Snarky-Ass Tips To Make You Look Like A Halfway-Sophisticated Adult