
adulting is too hard

Oh God, Oh No

Caption that reads, "That horrifying moment when you're looking for an adult for help but then realize you're an adult" above a pic of Spongebob in the fetal position
Via sherlockweregoingdown

I Don't Think 15 Minutes Is Enough

Sign that reads, "Designated crying area, please limit episodes to 15 minutes," with a caption that reads, "Every work place should have one of these"
Via cariea122

Only Gets Worse From There, Kid

Pics of a kid holding up his first paycheck looking progressively less excited with the caption, "Congratulations to my brother on his first paycheck and his discovery of taxes"
Via surprisedplatypus

Sign Me Up, Demons!

1,000 year-old demon: "I wish I had a body to posses;" Me: a tired MF who would love nothing more than to be run on autopilot