
adult children

 teens aita moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS adult children twenties living at home unemployed screen time tough love unemployment story reddit story

Mom asks unemployed 23-year-old son to do 10 hours of housework in exchange for bailing him out of debt, son wants to count the 5 hours he spend attending a concert with her: 'Stop enabling him'

We all fall on hard times every now and then, and if you're lucky you might have a parent who's willing to support you through these rough patches. Ideally, it's part of the parent-kid relationship , and it doesn't automatically end once you're 18 years old. You might continue to need your parents, if not just emotionally. But like with anything, there is a line that you should be careful not to cross, on both sides of the equation. If you're the kid, you have to be careful that you're not taki…
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 childcare aita kids moms parenting dad cute kids reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS adult children job work workplace Driving drivers license

20-year-old who can't drive accepts job 45 minutes away, balks when mom refuses to drive them back and forth: 'This is just not a job your kid can accept'

Commuting to work is a necessary evil that most of the working world has to deal with. Aside from those lucky remote workers, most of us have to figure out a way to get our behinds to the office and back every single day. If you're especially blessed, you might live within walking distance from your job. But most of us either have to drive or use public transportation to get where we need to go. It might not be a fun part of having a job, but it is a necessary one. And the thing with jobs is th…
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boyfriend, relationship, kids, lazy, money problems, adult, reddit story, relationships, girlfriend, reddit thread, Reddit, adult children, unemployment, money, unemployed

Unemployed girlfriend forces her boyfriend to pay $1K a month to support her 25 and 28-year-old adult children, claims they'll become homeless if he stops giving them money: 'I hate my girlfriend's kids.'

She's robbing him blind
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parenting, parents, parenting fail, parenting fails, in laws, mother in law, adult children, adulting, adulthood, adults, family, family drama, drama, money, salary, spending, reddit, reddit thread

'If they don't like our lifestyle they can leave': Six figure-earners never cook at home, receive lecture from overbearing parents

Don't hate me cause you ain't me
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boyfriend, birthdays, birthday, birthday party, crazy things parents say, parenting, facebook, happy birthday, daughter, parent, adult children, parents, children, Parenting FAILS

Parents forget their daughter's 33rd birthday, get angry when her boyfriend wishes her 'Happy Birthday' online: 'Not saying anything and then posting about it was passive aggressive'

You snooze, you lose
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ask reddit, kid, kids, bad parenting, askreddit, parenting, parenting tweets, adults, Reddit, adult children, Parenting Fail, twitter discourse, parents, children, Parenting FAILS

'What did I do to deserve a fat kid?': Former children share insults their parents said that still stick with them

That stuff hurts
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reddit stories, family drama, aita, fatherson, kids, brother, lazy, sons, reddit story, rednt, dad, reddit thread, Reddit, adult children, son, children, brothers, Father

Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: 'I'm getting punished for my brothers actions'

It's not fair
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Omg Make Up Your Mind

Funny meme about parents either thinking you're too young to do something or too old
Via doodlydoodledumdum
Funny and cringey text messages from parents

28 Times Parents Brought Critical Levels Of Cringe In Text-Message Form

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text conversation smartphones embarrassing cringe texts technology mothers day parenting mom adult children parents - 8269317

19 Times Moms Texted The Darnedest Crap To Their Embarrassed Offspring

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'Fiiiine, Mom'

Tweet that reads, "What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child?" Someone replies, "Once I'm 18 my mom won't be able to tell me I can and can't do anymore"
Via rvahnc