

So Spicy

Caption that reads, "Benicio del Toro is just Brad Pitt with seasoning"above pics of both of them looking very similar
Via valerikscorned

Oh Yeah, I Love That Guy!

Caption that reads, "Isn't that the name of the guy that played Sherlock Holmes?" above a sign that says "Butternut crinkle fries"
Via EmperorShady

Another Ryan Reynolds Kill

Ryan Reynolds tweet that reads, "Three of the most beautiful, considerate and loving people I've ever known, and then there's Blake" above a pic of Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and their two kids
Via JakeFromHighSchool

Stick To The Stuff You Know!

Tweet that reads, "The guy in High School Musical who said, 'I play the cello' was arrested for robbing a pizza place at gunpoint" above a Tumblr comment that reads, "Should've stuck to the status quo"
Via johnsaysthings

Anybody Else Get Annoyed By This?

Stills from The Parent Trap where Hallie and Annie think it's weird that they have the same birthday; Tumblr user comments below, "YOU HAVE THE SAME F*CKING FACE"
Via len1337

Wait A Second!

Caption that reads, "Four pictures of Bonedump Crunclepack that will make you say 'that's not Benedong Cucumber that's Brendict Cromplepork" above four pics of Benedict Cumberbatch
Via plantbasedjenny

You're Not Fooling Anyone

Pic of a female model who looks just like Elijah Wood under the caption, "Nice try, Elijah Wood"
Via LiquidCookies

C'mon Mom!

Text that reads, "When you accidentally let go of your balloon and your mom won't buy you another one" over a pic of an actor lying face-down in front of a woman sitting in a chair
Via kevinhint

Rescue of the Day: Brendan Fraser’s Career, Which Some Fans are Trying to Save

fans try to save brendan frasers career through change org petition
Via Aurora Nocte

Randy And Evi Quaid Arrested In Canada By An "Actual Tall Midget"

Rand And Evi Quaid Arrested In Canada By An "Actual Tall Midget"
Via Variety


actor dogs wtf - 6621033728
Created by SlightlySardonic

Jon Toogood (Shihad/Pacifier) Totally Looks Like John Cusack

actor celeb funny Music TLL - 6038560512
Created by andykap909

Tommy Lee Jones Totally Looks Like Newspaper guy

actor celeb funny meme TLL tommy lee jones - 6604234752
Created by Mission_Possible

Adam Shepherd from Silent Hill: Homecoming Totally Looks Like John Locke from Lost

john locke actor TLL silent hill funny lost - 6278464512
Created by TakiK1993

Liam Neeson Totally Looks Like Fidel Castro

actor beards communist Fidel Castro liam neeson politician - 3358576640
Created by Unknown

Justin Timberlake as Robin Gibb Totally Looks Like Prince Adam (Beast)

Beauty and the Beast Music disney actor TLL celeb Justin Timberlake funny - 6726352896
Created by ladybug125