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30+ Fascinating Facts That Are Common Knowledge in Certain Fields, but Unknown to Most

You learn something new every day
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Stuff that seems harmless but is actually dangerous

Things That Seem Harmless But Are Actually Dangerous

As humans we are constantly being told what is bad for us. Don't drink this. Don't eat that. We all know that smoking causes lung cancer, and that fatty and processed foods are nearly poisonous to your body. Drugs? Fuhgeddabout it. We talk a lot less about the stuff that seems completely harmless but could actually really mess us up. Redditor u/Sealedbox recently asked the r/AskReddit community to share situations, objects - and even animals - that fall into this category. They came through wit…
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Interesting Tumblr thread about clothing sizes and how celebrities get their clothes to fit so well | inkdot This weekend told story which, although kind ashamed admit because holy shit is ever obvious, is kind blowing my mind.

Informative Tumblr Thread Explains The BS Of Women's Clothing Sizes

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Interesting Facebook thread explaining why the threat of "murder hornets" is largely sensationalized | Marianne Alleyne Monday at 5:10 PM Dropping some more hornet knowledge (compiled multiple posts have seen come by today, including Annie Rich Thompson): | NY Times ran story this weekend which promptly echoed through local media outlets about Asian Giant Hornet which they so thoughtfully deemed murder hornet so doing, they have blown problem way out proportion.

No Need To Panic Over 'Murder Hornets,' According To This Informative Thread

It's all been blown waaaay out of proportion.
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Interesting Twitter thread about why people's emotional states are so all over the place during the pandemic | Alexis Rockley @alexisrockley Let be clear thread Those "all over place" feelings been having? They are symptoms stress, NOT personal failures yours. Do feel FLAKEY INCONSISTENT s b/c brain doesn't know news brace next, or next month will hold.

Twitter Thread Explains Why Your Mental State Feels Like A Nightmare Right Now

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Interesting video that shows a woman fitting a too-long object into a box

Video Shows Clever Hack For Fitting A Wrong-Sized Object In A Box

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Tweets of homeless person describing experience at salvation army shelter | Muffins N' Milk homeless person tweets about why you should not donate to the salvation army

Homeless Woman Explains Why You Shouldn't Donate To The Salvation Army

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Classic "Actual Advice Mallard" memes

24 Classic 'Actual Advice Mallard' Memes Full Of Clever Life Hacks

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Tumblr post that reads, "So my little sister just burst into my room, grabbed me and whispered, 'Omg the reason Patrick is so clueless is because he lives under a rock'"
Via JamesONarwal


Text that reads, "What we think blind people see" above a wall of black, next to text that reads, "What blind people actually see" above a message that reads "Error"
Via GradeObama


Chart illustration of men and women with yellow coloring over different parts of their bodies and a text caption below that reads, "See the shocking truth about what mustard does to your body depending on where you slather it on yourself"
Via VHS95

Omg What

Caption that reads, "If you're ever feeling left out just remember there's a fourth Jonas Brother" above a pic of four Jonas Brothers
Via OliveTheOysterDancer


Tweet that reads, "I'm 22 years old and I just realized that 'This little piggy went to the market' doesn't mean he went shopping for food"
Via YouAreDrunk

Today I Learned!

Map of all of the lewdest-sounding city names in the United States
Via yoboithememegod