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20+ Interesting & Silly Maps That Laugh in the Face of Cartography

Don't consult them for directions
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Reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, question, questions, discussion, lucky, statistic, weird, subreddit, internet, Impossible, Response, random, life, experience

People Discuss Statistically Improbable Things That Have Happened to Them

Have you ever had something happen to you where the odds of it occurring were unbelievable? It doesn't have to be something positive. Sure, some incredibly lucky people win the lottery and some people become famous musicians. Props to them, but we're talking about anything and everything statistically improbable. Things like getting struck by lightning or being attacked by multiple birds throughout a single day. On the /r/askreddit Subreddit, Reddit user yankeevandal asked this very question, “…
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Weirdest, Funniest & Most Random Names That People Supposedly Have

Find Them
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The More You Know

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Via u/Shoe_Bum_
Interesting trivia facts

19 Fascinating Statistics That'll Make Your Brain Tingle In Disbelief

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Pornhub's Year In Review Reveals The World's Sauciest Statistics

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I Like Those Odds

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I Meant Snakes, More People Die From Snakebites

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Via pondscumcomic

Really Mess With Statistics

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Same Sex Marriage Vs Interracial Marriage

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You Best Be Joking Me

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Damn You, Statistics!

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Damn You, Statistics!

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Just Plain Truth

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"Sorry Bro, I Had To..."

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Courtesy of the Official Australian Bureau of Statistics

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