
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Funny moments of people being stupid and missing the joke

15+ Times Jokes Hilariously Flew Right Over Peoples' Heads

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Petty Boss Penalizes Worker for Being 10 Minutes Late, Skillful Revenge Ensues

lawyer, divorce, relationships, reddit, reddit thread, aita, am i the asshole, marriage, law

Woman’s Lawyer Brother-In-Law Decides to Represent Her Ex-husband in Divorce, Advises Her to 'Stay Married'

'What's an off-screen/off-page moment you wish we could have seen/read about in 'Harry Potter':' Fans dream up parts of the story they wish actually happened

'What's an off-screen/off-page moment you wish we could have seen/read about in 'Harry Potter':' Fans dream up parts of the story they wish actually happened

Reddit thread where people who grew up in the 90s discuss what they miss most about the 90s

90s Kids Discuss What They Miss Most About The 90s

antiwork, malicious compliance, work, jobs, reddit, reddit thread, minimum wage

Clever Worker Quits & Gets Rehired to Qualify for Higher Wage

Reddit thread about a rude guy who calls his brother ugly in front of his blind girlfriend after announcing her pregnancy

Rude Guy Calls His Brother Ugly in Front of His Blind Girlfriend After Her Pregnancy Announcement

dress code, manager, boss, work, jobs, funny, reddit, reddit thread, coworkers

Heroic Man Pisses off Annoying Boss by Following Dress Code to a T

People of Reddit discuss the value of one dollar in their countries, homelands, finance

People Discuss How Much (Or How Little) $1 Can Buy In Their Countries

Reddit thread about a scammer who tries to get dude to pay £650 for training at his 'new job'

Scammer Tries To Get Dude To Pay £650 For Training At His 'New Job'

reddit, reddit thread, antiwork, vacation, holiday, mental health, work, jobs, employment, life, america

American Workers Discuss the Perils of Living With So Few Holidays

Reddit thread about a crazy boss who rants and raves about employees who have quit to his own employees

Bombastic Boss Has Huge Outburst After Employees Quit His Company

business, employee, employer, interview, recruiting, business owner, controversy, linkedin, reddit

Demanding Business Owner Gets Slammed for Douchey 'Interview Hacks' to Use on Job Applicants

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Identical Twin Uses Sister's Name for Her OnlyFans Account, Drama Ensues

A reddit post about a teenage son whose parents are obsessed with his younger sister and make his birthday about her.

Cruel Parents Make Their Son's Birthday Party All About His 'Golden Child' Sister

aita bride marriage vegans crazy groom wedding family vegan reddit thread Reddit - 17649669

Update: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him