
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

1980s, 80s, gen x, askreddit, reddit, throwback, nostalgia, history, pop culture

'The experience of boredom': Gen X and older reveal 20 things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

teenager, kid, kids, teenagers, bad parenting, reddit story, parenting, dad, grandparents, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

Neglectful parents beg 17-year-old son to forgive them because they're good parents to his toddler siblings: 'They show no sign of caring about me more now'

reddit posts, reddit, interesting, funny, funny posts, funny reddit, reddit thread, social media

'What if there was a Jack Black shaped continent in the Pacific?': The funniest Reddit posts of the week (April 5, 2024)

reddit stories, family drama, aita, fatherson, kids, brother, lazy, sons, reddit story, rednt, dad, reddit thread, Reddit, adult children, son, children, brothers, Father

Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: 'I'm getting punished for my brothers actions'

bullying, bully, growing up, nerds, geeks, glasses, braces, in laws, eating alone, movies, solo, adulthood, childhood, back to school, school, reddit, askreddit, stigma

'Being a nerd': 15+ Supposedly stigmatized behaviors that are actually no big deal

interesting, oddly specific, signs, funny, funny posts, social media, twitter, tumblr

20+ Oddly Specific Tweets and Posts That Get Real Personal

restaurant, restaurants, restaurant work, restaurant memes, mildly infuriating, annoying, small business, hours, work hours, time, funny reddit, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

‘Some days we aren’t here at all’: Small business’ unpredictable hours angers time-keepers of the internet

argument, money, daughter, dad, parenting, reddit, aita, reddit thread, vegan, veganism

'Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I've ever tried': Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

‘Two can play this game’: Resident gets back at loud neighbor by blasting children's music in the middle of the night, leading to hilarious music suggestions from invested Redditors

‘Two can play this game’: Resident gets back at loud neighbor by blasting children's music in the middle of the night, leading to hilarious music suggestions from invested Redditors

divorced, surname, kids, ex, parenting, exes, names, ex wife, divorce, reddit thread, ex husband, Reddit, naming, last names, name, Parenting Fail, fiancee, parents

'I don’t want a different last name than our kids': Ex-husband insists ex-wife change her last name because it makes his 24-year-old fiancée uncomfortable

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Family chews out niece for refusing to let 17-year-old college student share her NYC apartment: 'They haven't offered me anything in return'

family drama, aita, older sister, kids, sisters, reddit story, daughters, parenting, sister, reddit thread, little sister, daughter, Reddit, golden child, parents, sis

'I am not the golden child, I just wasn't a pain in the ***': Delinquent daughter accuses kid sister of being favored, gets put in her place

askreddit, reddit, 2000s, acceptable, unacceptable, reddit thread, rules, nostalgia, behavior

'Leaving your kids at home for the night': Things that were normal 20 years ago, but unacceptable today

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25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 31, 2024)

fired, firing, laid off, employee, company, incompetent, work, reddit, reddit thread, story, tifu

'It took them almost TWO months': Incompetent company accidentally fire employee, don't realize until mandatory training

aita, reddit, kids, parenting, car, toy, prize, raffle, reddit thread, controversy, tantrum

'I said it's his choice': 8-year-old wins fancy toy in raffle, gets pressured to give it away by adults after another kid throws a tantrum about it