
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Siblings Call Out Sister-in-Law After She Admits to Selling Her Kid’s Hand-Me-Downs as a Side Hustle: 'I told her that she probably shouldn't expect us to give them anything else'

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Careless mom assumes 13-year-old niece will watch her kids, blames her when her kids spill pasta sauce on the carpet: 'Your daughter wasn't even in the room when it happened'

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Entitled mom asks 28-year-old sister who works full time to babysit her 1-year-old once a week, calls her selfish when she refuses: 'The request itself is unreasonable'

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Future forecasters ponder the jobs that will be obsolete in 10 years: 'Anything with a reliable pattern'

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29 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (September 1, 2024)

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'You're not responsible for taking care of your father's stepkids': Dad forces 16-year-old son to make food for his step siblings on days he's with his mom, balks when he refuses

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'They're 'retired' but in their 30s': 20+ Phrases only wealthy people say that make us feel like bumpkins

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The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (August 30, 2024)

Kid damages dad's car but refuses to pay to get it fixed, leading to a family dispute when mom sides with son: ‘This is an expensive lesson’

Kid damages dad's car but refuses to pay to get it fixed, leading to a family dispute when mom sides with son: ‘This is an expensive lesson’

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Selfish mom forces best friend to constantly babysit needy 10-month-old baby, rages when she gets told to hire a nanny: 'I agreed ten minutes, and that turned into one and a half hours'

Man Demands Estranged Daughter Cook for Step-Siblings, Leading to Heated Father-Daughter Showdown as She Refuses and Labels Them ‘Not Family’

Man Demands Estranged Daughter Cook for Step-Siblings, Leading to Heated Father-Daughter Showdown as She Refuses and Labels Them ‘Not Family’

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Demanding mother asks 25-year-old sister to abandon work meeting to pick up her child from school, lashes out when she refuses: 'She said that she wasn't free labour'

Entitled Pregnant Woman Demands Coworkers Pay Hundreds for Additional Gifts Despite Recent Baby Shower, Igniting Office Uproar

Entitled Pregnant Woman Demands Coworkers Pay Hundreds for Additional Gifts Despite Recent Baby Shower, Igniting Office Uproar

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30 of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (August 28, 2024)

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'You are literally working yourself into an early grave': Burnt-out husband works 70 hours a week in construction, freeloading wife refuses to work part-time to contribute to household

Woman Locks Entitled Neighbor Out of The Building by Withholding Apartment Key, Leaving Her Stranded on the Curb

Woman Locks Entitled Neighbor Out of The Building by Withholding Apartment Key, Leaving Her Stranded on the Curb