
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Well That Got Dark

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15 Shower Thoughts That'll Make You Ponder Your Existence

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Somebody Had A Nice Little Chuckle Coming Up With This

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Women Reveal The Most Cringe-worthy Things Guys Have Done To Impress Them

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15 Hilarious Times People Got Straight-Up Owned On The Internet

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These People Got The Satisfying Karma They Deserved

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People Reveal The Most Brutal Back-Handed Compliments They've Ever Gotten

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That'll Do It

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15 April Fool's Pranks That Are Savage AF

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16 Incredibly Righteous Acts Of IDGAF

People on Reddit sharing their parents craziest and weirdest rules.

15 People Share Their Parents' Weirdest & Most Annoying Rules

Funny shower thoughts from Reddit.

21 Shower Thoughts That Will Leave You Mildly Enlightened

Funny memes about Ajit Pai.

Ajit Pai Is Still Getting Brutally Roasted To By Net Neutrality Memes

Funny and wholesome dog-petting memes from Reddit Me_IRL.

Reddit Is Having A Blast With These Wholesome Dog-Petting Memes

Funny memes popular on reddit featuring Safari tabs.

Redditors Are Now Using Safari Tabs To Create Amusing Meme Stories

Funny memes about EA Star Wars Battlefront II, pay to win, unlockable heroes, anakin skywalker, darth vader.

Gamers Are Trolling EA Over Star Wars Battlefront II Controversy