
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Cathartic Coronavirus Roasts That Pull No Punches

Twitter thread and reddit thread about guy who falls for his friend with benefit while in quarantine. | Being quarantined with my (21m) FWB (20f) has changed things between us immensely think realized love her, but almost feel telling her after so long would be unfair. Relationships | Matt Nedostup O @nedostup Replying redditships Has this fuckboy finally become fuckman? 9:28 AM 5/5/20 Twitter iPhone

Dude Falls For 'FWB' In Quarantine & Wholesomely Asks Reddit For Advice

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Sincere & Heartfelt Messages From Obscene Usernames

The Dank drop, funniest dank memes of the week | Cigarette companies killing their best customers Condom companies killing their future customers Pink guy approaching Bane | Porn Actress who turned 30 Porn Director stepmom now

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (11-28 to 12-4)

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30 Ironic Sex Memes Filled With Stupidity

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Employees Share Horrific & Bizarre Incidents That Nearly Made Them Quit

Tolkien Tuesday #18 Lord of the Rings memes, dank memes, jrr tolkien, gandalf, gimli, saruman, sauron, legolas, aragorn, elves, frodo baggins, bilbo baggins, hobbits, reddit | Falling off roof as kid alright not hurt danklotrmemes Sleeping weird position 30s My body is broken. | Are seriously on phone while Sauron is about reveal his deadliest servant?

Tolkien Tuesday #18: 30 Dank & Dumb 'Lord Of The Rings' Memes

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People Fantasize About What Their Ideal 2021 Would Look Like

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24 Shower Thoughts For Deep Thinkers

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20 Highly Inappropriate And Totally Cursed Comments

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Cheeky Answers That Feel Wrong But Are Technically Accurate

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The Dank Drop: 20 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (11-7 to 11-13)

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15 Times People Were Annihilated By Words

Funny dystopian tweets and posts about the strange times we live in | Charles @ChuckAkpan Replying nytimes School boards don't have power enforce mask policy on students. Also school boards: No dreadlocks. No haircuts with designs. No "distracting" hair colors. No visible shoulders. No bra straps showing. No knees showing. No open-toed shoes. No "political" shirts. | homeless man held up and robbed bank 1 then sat down and waited police come and arrest him so he could receive healthcare prison.

Fifteen Dystopian Posts For People Who Want To Feel Weird

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Xbox & PS5 Memes To Celebrate The Highly Anticipated Releases

Cringey social media posts from Insane People Facebook | Wave goodbye headphones. LADBIBLE Elon Musk Claims His Neuralink Chip Will Allow Stream Music Straight 4.3K 2.4K Comments 2.1K Shares Livke Comment Share not good this chip is bible and leads very bad things get rida | Is there way get rid fact checkers on fb? 9 Comments O Like Comment Send

16 Times People Went Off The Rails On Social Media