
Omegle is an open chat website which is a recipe for hilariousness when combined with the ability to screenshot. You really never know what you'll find, or see, or who. It's truly the modern day chat roulette of yore. So check out some of the best Omegle moments you'll ever see and remember these people the next time you log on.

capitalism Omegle Soviet Russia - 4325915392

Got Him Cold

genie Omegle oracle question - 4304534272

Shoulda Seen This Coming

90s hippies hipsters Omegle slang - 4305047808

Not With the Times

andy samberg Like a Boss Omegle SNL - 4307467008

Like a Troll

floating Gravity moon Omegle pen win - 4307117312

How to Win at Omegle

ASCII FAIL Omegle - 4310698496

Troll Fail

cows india Omegle yummy - 4307217664

Sacré Mignon!

backwards disconnect i own a horse Omegle - 4289051648

Syaw Htob Skrow

Omegle penis tech support - 4289364736

More Like a 3-Inch Floppy

burn Cats Omegle - 4289028608

They Feel the Burn

disconnect forever alone horse Omegle - 4296659968

Forever A Horse

abra Chat Roulette Omegle Pokémon tatas whatever - 4296326144

A Wild Abra Appears

Omegle - 4296078336


future justin bieber Omegle terminator - 4289139712

The Biebinator...

Omegle that face - 4269615360

Omegle Troll - We All Know Now

dude girlfriend Omegle simple - 4269327104
