

Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Funny random memes, twitter, humor, lol

A Tasty Trip On the Meme and Tweet Highway

As rock and roller Tom Cochrane once said, “Life is a highway.” And while I want to ride thar highway all night long I have responsibilities like most semi-functioning members of society.
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Funny dungeons and dragons memes

The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (May 27, 2022)

There are a lot of people out there who probably don't realize how much influence Dungeons & Dragons has had on the gaming world over decades. My dad still talks about all the afternoons he spent playing with his friends, and it doesn't seem like the game has lost any traction. If anything, I've been seeing more and more friends get into the game. And, unfortunately, I'm seeing my friends kids get into it. Which makes me feel old as hell. Many action and adventure role playing games that we kno…
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Funny random memes, dank memes

Random Memes Plucked From the Farthest Corners of the Internet

It has never ceased to amaze me that the internet has a place for everyone. It also has the power to bring people together, and not just via social media. Thanks to meetup sites and apps, people are making real, human connections with people who have similar interests. They're escaping the excruciating loneliness that seems to hang over many of our heads. It's great that some individuals can get together IRL, but those who can't aren't short of connections, either. I remember when I had a Yelp…
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Funny random memes tweets and dank memes, relatable

A Gaggle of Memes For Everyone Who Needs a Distraction

Welp. We've got another day on the World Wide Web. And frankly, we're feeling a bit demoralized. It's not easy to be glued to your computer when all the news seems to be bad news. There's no way to sugarcoat the utter defeat we're feeling in the wake of the terrible tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. Going about day-to-day life is extremely difficult when you're trying to make sense of senseless violence, and the equally senseless cycle that the United States seems to be stuck in. As much as I try to ma…
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humor relatable memes relatable funny memes Memes lol funny tweets - 17109509

A Random Selection of Silly Memes

There's a whole lot to meme about in the world, from worldly happenings to personal struggles. We've got the pain of working a full time job, plagues, climate change, war, celebrity meltdowns and stupidity, and of course whatever new video game the geeks are freaking out about. Then there are the memes about specific eras of time and granular interests. One can't forget about all the unpretentious memes that are easily enjoyed and don't take up too much brain power. All of these memes manage to…
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gaming, gaming memes, gamer, gamers, funny, memes, funny memes, nerdy memes

The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (May 25, 2022)

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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Humble Arrangement Of Different Memes And Things

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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Good Enough Collection Of Browsable Memes

Memes for minutes
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Funny memes, Lord of the Rings memes, dank memes, humor

Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (May 24, 2022)

Happy Tuesday, Lord of the Rings fans. What are some of your first memories as a devotee of the books and movies? One memory that always gets me happened a long, long time ago - when I was in high school and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was in theaters. My friends and I were so excited that we dressed up in our most fantasy-esque garb, had a nice mom buy us some wine, and went off to the Pavilion to sink into the possible bedbug-ridden seats and enjoy the show. Unfortunately, o…
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Funny random memes and tweets

A Moderately Sized and Moderately Entertaining Batch of Memes

Time for a little history less: On this day exactly 10 years ago, a funny meme was born. I'm not sure exactly which one, but that's the beautiful thing about memes—new ones are made every day. Every hour. Even every second. Even the weakest and dumbest Marvel movie takes years and millions of dollars to produce. But the best memes are totally free and sometimes they only take a few seconds to create. It all comes down to having an idea. Some memes might shine a little bit brighter than others,…
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Medium Sized Scoop Of Tasty Memes

Hold the sprinkles
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Funny memes for Gemini season

Gemini Memes in Celebration of the Zodiac's Chaotic Twins

Geminis are not the most revered sign of the zodiac. In fact, some people believe they're the absolute worst. As a Scorpio, I can relate. It's as though our signs are the villains of astrological signs. We're pretty much always at the top of the list when people talk about signs you should never date. And while some of the hate is warranted (I pretty much only date Geminis), it can sometimes feel like a bit too much. In celebration of the beautiful chaos of Gemini season, we've put together som…
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work, work memes, job, employee, boss, manager, funny, funny memes, memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (May 23, 2022)

Now with extra complaining!
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Funny parody ads for mobile game, twitter tweets, mobile game hell

Artist Creates Parody Concept Art For Those Unhinged Mobile Game Ads

If you've used pretty much any type of social media , chances are you've seen those unhinged advertisements for games like Project Makeover, or games that involve living in a palace and trying to climb up the ranks to bang a prince. They usually involve a woman (or two), and a lot of dirt, grime, body hair and sometimes even weird sexual situations . Oh, and unexplained baldness. These advertisements are well documented over at the @MobileGameHell Twitter account. Last week, artist Julie Greine…
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Funny random memes and tweets

A Silly Selection of Weird, Nerdy, and Normie Memes

The other day I saw a chalkboard sign outside of a smoothie shop that read, "when life gives you strawberries, make a smoothie." It was was bewildering to me. For one, they completely missed the point of the adage they were referencing. The reason why you make lemonade when life gives you lemons is because lemons are way too sour to eat on their own. The quotes about seeing the silver linings in terrible situations.. When life gives you strawberries, you eat the strawberries. Because the gliste…
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karen, entitled, karens, wtf, stupid people, cringe, roast, memes, funny, schadenfreude, next door, facebook, twitter

Unhinged Karens & Their Egregious Displays of Entitlement

Karen, Karen, Karen . What are we going to do with you? Are you okay? What happened in your life to make you this angry? Let's try something out. I want you to close your eyes and take a deeeeeeeeeeeep deep deep deep ( deep) breath. Now imagine you've just arrived at your favorite brunch spot ten minutes before closing. The place is packed full of fellow Karens, but the host manages to find a table for you and your six friends. They could have declined to seat you, but they did anyway. Isn't th…
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