

Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Funny memes about Geminis for Gemini season, astrology memes and humor

Happy Gemini Season: Funny Memes About One of Zodiac's Most Controversial Signs

I have a confession to make. I'm addicted to Geminis. I'm not totally sure when this started, but over the past 7 years or so, all my exes have been Geminis. All my crushes, too. What is it about this sign that makes them so irresistible? It it their emotional unavailability, lack of commitment, or general flightiness? Well, no. And I know those negative traits don't epitomize all Geminis. The real reason I'm probably drawn to Geminis is because they're exciting. They're overflowing with knowle…
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Relatable affirmations, twitter, mental health

Helpful Memes For People Trying to Stay Mentally Healthy

As a lifetime member of the Depression and Anxiety Squad , I've developed a pretty resilient sense of humor. In fact, I think that my trauma and related struggles might be responsible for like 50% of that humor. Over the years it's shifted to be pretty self-deprecating , but in my old age I've started to wonder if poking fun at my pain is getting old. Spoiler alert: It is. There's something to said about being positive through the hard times. I know that's not always possible, but a good substi…
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funny random memes, random memes, funny memes, dank memes, Memes, tweets, funny tweets, twitter, tumblr, funny tumblr posts, twitter memes, funny twitter, funny tumblr

Stunning Memes For Gorgeous Divas

If you are a young Gen Z person, your vocabulary is likely rotted due to your exposure to the internet from a young age. Trust me, I would know. The way I speak has so many colloquialisms imbued into it that you'd think I was a character written by a baby boomer for the purpose of making fun of young people. I say words like stun, werk, and fierce like a robot programmed to do so. Friends have told me that because of my speech, they've started accidentally calling people "gorg" in corporate env…
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humor fresh tweets Memes tweets funny tweets - 20605445

Relatively Recent Tweets From the Oversharers of Twitter

Happy Monday. Every week we lament the arrival of the ever-reliable harbinger of groans and grumbles. We all know how painfully predictable they can be, as if time itself conspires to make the start of the week as agonizing as possible. But fear not, weary soul, for in this unending cycle of workweek misery, we have a few tricks up our sleeves to make it all a little more bearable. Mostly, it's Twitter. We can never stop scrolling through the constant stream of thoughts from public figures and…
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work memes, work, employee, boss, manager, coworkers, working, office, memes, funny, funny memes, relatable memes

The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (May 22, 2023)

Monday woes
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Some Memes To Make You Totally Crack Up

“I think I’m looking forward to cracking up. I hope I can, you know, totally crack up. I haven’t cracked up in a long time.” Child actor Jake Thomas said these words when asked, “What are you looking forward to most about this film?” while on the red carpet for Osmosis Jones. When they say "from the mouths of babes
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corny facebook Memes funny cringe baby boomers boomers corny memes boomer memes - 19363077

Corny Facebook Memes Only Your Boomer Family Could Enjoy

The last few months have been pretty difficult for me, social media-wise. I deleted Instagram to spend less time on the Internet. It backfired. See, it's necessary to have Facebook and Twitter for work. And as much as I love the insanity of Twitter, I can only handle so much before I feel insane or another Elon Musk post makes me physically ill. So I end up mindlessly scrolling, yet again - but in a darker place. That place is Facebook. Scrolling Facebook, at least on my timeline, consists of a…
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humor jokes food memes funny memes cravings Memes lol food eating funny - 20606981

Food Memes For People Who are Always Hungry

Not everyone can be a Renaissance person. Expecting the entire world to have a mind-boggling range of interests and talents is like expecting a cactus to grow a luscious, wavy head of hair—it's just not happening. I've come too accept that I'm not an artistic genius, and that sometimes, I'm gonna feel a little bit boring. But don't get me wrong, it's not because I lack brains or conversational skills. No, my "blahness" stems from the fact that my brain's main obsession is food. I'm like a culin…
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol, lmao

A Uniform Collection of Memes

In order
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A compilation of random and hilarious relatable memes.

Relatable Memes For People Who Want Solidarity

I wholeheartedly believe that memes made me more empathetic as a tween. As a kid, I was obsessed with the internet and being on the pulse of the latest trends. Sure, the content on YouTube was entertaining, but I didn't really learn anything about myself by watching The Annoying Orange. Once I got onto social media proper, I began seeing memes that articulated the exact experiences that I'd had. Yes, I've rubbed my eyes for too long and seen colors! Yes, a teacher has responded to me asking, “c…
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Funny Star WArs memes, humor, star wars television, yoda

A Massive Moon's Worth of Funny Star Wars Memes

I'm not saying “I'm not like other girls,” but when I was a kid, my friendship with my cousin led to some pretty nerdy interests. Namely, Star Wars. I wasn't allowed to own Barbie dolls , so his collection of Star Wars action figures was the next best thing. We'd watch the movies over and over again, pretend we could play the cantina song with various shampoo bottles, and compete over who could do “better” at “vintage” Star Wars games like Dark Forces, Yoda Stories, or X-Wing - all of which my…
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stupid memes, twitter, relatable memes, random, random memes, funny memes, dank memes, Memes, twitter memes, tweets, funny tweets, tweet, random tweets, funny meme

Fun Memes For Good Times

Happy Sunday, everybody! People talk about the Sunday Scaries all the time. If you're unfamiliar, the Sunday Scaries are the phenomenon of feeling dread and fear every Sunday in anticipation of the coming workweek. You don't even get to enjoy one of the two days you have off because you're so dang nervous about the week ahead. I used to get the Sunday Scaries all the time in high school. Picture it: it's Sunday at 6 PM, you haven't gotten any of your homework done, and frankly, you don't want t…
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nostalgic nostalgia super-mario-bros super-mario-movie super-mario mario mario-kart mario-and-luigi nintendo switch gamers memes super-mario-memes memes relatable super-smash-bros

20+ Nostalgic Super Mario Memes That Will 1Up Your Mood

Decades of trained specialists are waiting in the wings to show their niece and nephew how it's done on Super Smash Bros– no mercy
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memes, funny, funny memes, dank memes, random, random memes, dumb memes, meme dump, relatable memes, lol

30 Memes That Grapple With the Questions of Life

There are many
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witty introverts introvert introvert-memes introverted socially-awkward awkward social-anxiety antisocial anxiety anxious anxiety-memes memes relatable funny

15+ Witty Introvert Memes for Awko-Taco Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 20, 2023)

Introverts will leave you on read for 3 weeks and reply like no time has passed
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humor jokes funny memes Memes lol funny - 19370245

A Cocktail Shaker's Worth of Shook-Up Decent Memes

It's pretty interesting how many individuals will gripe about some of the content they've completely chosen to engage with. They click a link that very clearly says " Random Memes " or something equally banal and then they complain that they're not good enough. Well, guess what? Not everyone in the world enjoys the same exact types of memes, and as someone who spends time selecting these moderately funny tidbits, I can tell you with complete certainty, that there's is absolutely no way anyone c…
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