

A Fry Basket Full of Summer Beach Town Memes for East Coast Boardwalk Natives

A Fry Basket Full of Summer Beach Town Memes for East Coast Boardwalk Natives

Did you know that places like Ocean City, Myrtle Beach, and, yes, even the Jersey Shore have people who live there FULL TIME?!
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20+ Baltimore Memes for Old Bay Connoisseurs and Expert Pothole Navigators

20+ Baltimore Memes for Old Bay Connoisseurs and Expert Pothole Navigators

Going to Royal Farms, does anybody need anything?
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reddit, reddit thread, funny thread, ask reddit, america, united states, geography, funny, memes, states, maryland, Massachusetts, california, maine, texas, new york, new mexico, delaware, minnesota, midwest, florida man

Americans Describe the States They Live In Without Revealing Names in Funny Thread

America is a big, beautiful mess. Each state has its own unique identity, some so distinct that many Americans can easily recognize a state based on a few key characteristics. Redditor u/Thomas_The_Llama recently prompted the people of r/AskReddit to describe their states without revealing any names, and the resulting thread is very entertaining (unless, of course, you're not American , in which case you might be a little confused).
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Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Higher Education

college Maryland university yo dawg - 5822452736
Created by flwrchld77

Forever a Richter

DC earthquake forever alone Maryland new york virginia - 5127303168

Bel Air, Maryland or California?

bel air cabs california Maryland television the most interesting man in the world will smith - 4897264384
Created by tim2048