

Funny memes about Italians, Italy | record scratch freeze frame So, yep s probably wondering got this situation. Italian politician facepalm | person riding a surfboard with an umbrella and a yacht sailing in the background: Roman Empire TADROLINIJA Whatever Mussolini trying do

Twenty-Eight Italian Memes That Are Just Pici

Mama mia...
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Funny Tumblr thread about different ways to say the word 'vagina' in Italian | map of italy himbocloud scheide scham sacapel sbanzega börtola frice panole folpa mona sbarzitla zinforgna barbisa barbigia nateua Yuinera pota tchergnapicioca bernarda mona borma brügna figa fritulà fiora sepa pataracia bregna Turba bigioia neira passera bartagna stessa brugna obinna tegia patafiocca patacca pisaia ciornia belan ghersa thussa tacc petalussa apettera mozza lallera pasarina fi' potta Cicalaastagncchia

Italian Has A Plethora Of Slang For Genitalia, According To This Amusing Tumblr Thread

Pacchio and mozza and petalussa, oh my!
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Funny dank memes about ancient Roman history | renaissance painting of Caesar getting stabbed posted by user lesbianshepard love professors try use modern slang relate students. my professor referred theater pompey as place where caesar got vibe checked by bunch senators" and lost lesbianshepard Vibe Check (1806) by Vincenzo Camuccini. two muscular arms epic handshake meme about what xerxes and caligula has in common which is both attacking the sea

Fifteen Ancient Roman Memes For The History Connoisseurs

Dank memes and education unite!
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Funny parody tweets about how Michelangelo was only 24 years when he constructed the Pieta sculpture

'Michelangelo' Twitter Meme Highlights How Unsuccessful We All Are

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Funny meme about using pasta as straws in italy for the environment.
Via @memebase
Funny random memes, history memes, world war ii, brain cells trying to pronounce worcestershire.

33 Funny Memes To Help You Pretend Everything Is Okay (When It's Really Not)

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Funny history memes, military memes.

18 Military History Memes To Help Battle Your Boredom

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I Mean, That Works

Caption that reads, "When you promised your girl a tour of Europe but your wallet says you can't afford plane tickets" above a map of Texas showing all of the cities named after European cities and countries
Via eldieron24
Funny history memes, poland, europe, united states, war, world war II, england, france, italy, language, genocide, china, mao, nasa, africa, colonialism.

33 Hilarious Memes That Double As History Lessons

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Funny obi-wan kenobi memes from around the world, italy, mexico, ireland, germany.

Obi-Wan Goes Global In These Super Silly Star Wars Memes

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Got 'Em

Funny meme about circle game, italy shaped like a boot.
Via distinguishedbaloney
Funny Italian hand gesture memes.

2017 In Review: The 20 Best Italian Memes This Year

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Italy Mario Kart Memes video games nintendo - 9043437824
Via irishmastermind


Italy pizza meme funny - 9022199040
Via via
italian Italy funny - 1752069

How Italians Do Things

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Italy buzzfeed Video - 74938113

An Italian Has Answers to All of Buzzfeed's Stupid Questions About Italians and Italy

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