

Damn millenials

bernie sanders Democrat bill clinton - 8795314432
Via Imgur

Bernie Sandals

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795332864
Via Imgur

Saw this Bern Buggy on the road this morning

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795008768
Via Imgur

This should piss a lot of people off.

donald trump Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8795332352
Via Imgur

Walked past this today in NYC...

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8795333376
Via Imgur

Don't Make Me Harpoon Your Lying Ass!

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8795333120
Via Imgur

Feel the Burn?

bernie sanders Democrat - 8795393024
Via Imgur

Happy Mother's Day from Trump

donald trump Democrat - 8794786560
Via Imgur

Presidential First. It's now safe to joke about your own weed usage

Democrat barack obama - 8794786304
Via Imgur

When you accidentally open the wrong app on your phone

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8795393792
Via Imgur

Bernie "Game of Unknowns"

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8794793472
Via Imgur

Donald trump vs Hillary Clinton

donald trump Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8794791168
Via Imgur

Just Say "No" to a Clown Party

bernie sanders Democrat - 8794782720
Via Imgur

When I think of what could have been...............

Democrat Sarah Palin barack obama republican - 8795020288
Via Imgur

Certainly feels that way...

donald trump Hillary Clinton Memes Democrat republican - 8794789632
Via Imgur

Where can I buy?

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8794781952
Via Imgur