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'Dating apps turn us all into HR managers': Singles bemoan having to 'reject so many people' on dating apps

People hate dating apps so much that it has become hack comedy to complain about them
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Boorish mother calls son-in-law's anniversary gift 'cheap,' daughter kicks her out of the party: 'Was it the alcohol?'

Gift-giving can be a loaded scenario
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Bitter ex-boyfriend buys $200 worth of Nutella to get back at hypercritical ex-girlfriend: 'I knew it would REALLY bother her'

She really got her just desserts
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‘He messed this one up epically’: Selfish husband orders wife one slice of cheesecake for her birthday, she bursts into tears

He’s definitely in the doghouse
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'This is called a task-based interview': Industrious woman invites first date over to help her weed her garden, date is hesitant

Sounds like a good date to me
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